Canadian Wildlife Federation
Hinterland Who's Who: Invasive Alien Species in Canada
Did you know that invasive alien species can be found in nearly all parts of Canada? Learn about these invasive species and how they infiltrated Canada's ecosystems. Investigate the problems these invasive species are causing, as well as...
US Fish and Wildlife Service
U.s. Fish and Wildlife Service: Invasive Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service presents information on invasive species that invade ecosystems and threaten native species. Examples, legislation, teacher resources, and links to lots of additional resources are included.
Department of Agriculture: National Invasive Species Information Center (Nisic)
A comprehensive guide to national invasive species, including alien plants, animals, and microbes. An invasive species is one that is likely to cause environmental or human harm.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Ocean Planet: Biological Roulette: Alien Species
Click on the roulette wheel and see how some alien species were introduced into the United States and the effect they have had on our country. This is part of an archived Smithsonian exhibit.
Nova: Matching Aliens With Impacts
One of the major causes of species extinction is the introduction of alien species. Information about ten different invasive species is presented. Find out how well you know the information by matching alien species with the effects...
Protect Your Waters
An informative site that suggests a number of things that the general public can do to prevent the spread of nuisance species.