The Natural Law Party of the United States of America
The homepage of the Natural Law Party of the United States provides its platform, relevant news, and many informational resources.
Guide to American Political Parties
Complete directory of the political parties that are active in the United States. Links to each party's website are included along with a brief overview of each one with major players.
Cnn: Third Parties
You've read about them throughout American history but never really understood what they were! Here's a good synopsis of the surviving third parties and their platform of political views.
Bbc News: Third Parties Aim for an Impact
The BBC offers information about the third parties and their candidates in the 2004 Presidential election. Report is from February 2004.
Pbs Online News Hour: Natural Law Party Platform
"The Natural Law Party has an action plan to revitalize America". This site provides with the issues and platform on many different issues for the Natural Law Party in the United States.
Politics 1: Presidency 2004
Site presents presidential candiadates for the 2004 election for the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and each of the Third Parties.