Maths Challenge
Maths Perpendicular Construction
This is a "three star" geometry problem where prior math problem skills and proof experience is recommended to solve this "Perpendicular Construction" problem.
Maths Challenge
Maths Tick Tock Triangle
This is a "three star" geometry problem where prior knowledge of probability is required to solve this "Tick Tock Triangle" problem, have fun!
Maths Challenge
Maths Leaning Ladders
Use your right triangle solving skills to solve this ladders in a hole problem.
Maths Challenge
Maths Tri Angles
A geometry proof involving exterior angles of a triangle.
Maths Challenge
Maths Right Triangle Equal Parts
A geometry proof problem involving a right triangle and finding angles of equal measure.
Maths Challenge
Maths Triangle Area
Find the area of this triangle in a coordinate plane.
Maths Challenge
Maths Alley Ladders
This is a "three star" geometry problem where prior math problem skills and proof experience is recommended to solve this relationship between the inverses of heights.
Maths Challenge
Maths Inscribed Rectangle
This is a proof problem, considered a "three star" geometry problem requiring knowledge of proofs and properties of circles to solve this equal area of inscribed polygons problem.
Maths Challenge
Maths Three Circles
This is a proof problem, considered a "three star" geometry problem requiring knowledge of proofs and properties of circles.
Maths Challenge
Maths Measuring Mountains
Use your triangle solving skills to solve this triangle problem and then apply it to the real world.
Maths Challenge
Maths Isosceles Trapezium
This is a "three star" geometry problem where prior knowledge of problem solving and thinking through proofs is recommended to solve this trapezoid inscribed in a semicircle problem.
Maths Challenge
Maths Rectangular Circles
An area problem involving finding the area of a rectangle and a circle. The problem may be made into a general proof as well.
Maths Challenge
Maths Lunes
A "three star" geometry problem where some experience of math problem solving skills and knowledge of circles is recommended to solve this lunes (parts of a circles) area problem
Maths Challenge
Maths Peculiar Perimeter
This is a "three star" geometry problem where prior math problem skills and proof experience is recommended. Tile constructions may be used to solve this perimeter and area problem.
Maths Challenge
Maths Corner Circle
This is a "three star" geometry problem where prior knowledge of circles and triangles is recommended to solve this circle in the corner problem.
Maths Challenge
Maths Christmas Trees
Find how many Christmas trees can be planted using your conversion and geometric knowledge.
Maths Challenge
Maths Cables
This is a proof problem, considered a "three star" geometry problem requiring knowledge of proofs and properties of circles to solve this problem with cables in duct problem.
Maths Challenge
Maths Radical Axis
This is a "three star" geometry problem requiring knowledge of proofs and properties of circles. Students will use the given definition of radical axis and prior knowledges to prove a way to find a radical axis.