University of Florida

Baldwin Library: Sybil's Sacrifice and Other Choice Stories by C. E. Bowen

For Students 4th - 6th
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Sybil's Sacrifice and Other Choice Stories for the Young by C. E. Bowen [1870], a collection of illustrated children's stories.
University of Florida

Baldwin Library: The Boy's Cabinet of Instructive and Moral Stories by P. Cozans

For Students 4th - 6th
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book The Boy's Cabinet of Instructive and Moral Stories by Philip Cozans (1861), a collection of illustrated children's stories.
University of Florida

Baldwin Library: Twilight Tales Told for Young Readers by Edwin Chapman

For Students 3rd - 5th
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Twilight Tales Told for Young Readers by Edwin Chapman (c1884), a collection of illustrated children's stories.
University of Florida

Baldwin Library: Cheep and Chatter or Lessons From Field and Tree by Alice Banks

For Students 2nd - 4th
This is an online photocopy of the original of the children's book Cheep and Chatter or Lessons from Field and Tree by Alice Banks (1884), a collection of illustrated children's stories.
University of Florida

Baldwin Library: Only a Dandelion and Other Stories by E. Prentiss

For Students 3rd - 5th
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Only a Dandelion and Other Stories by E. Prentiss(c1875), a collection of illustrated children's stories.
University of Florida

Baldwin Library: Young Lucretia and Other Stories by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

For Students 2nd - 5th
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Young Lucretia and Other Stories by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman (1892). This is a collection of illustrated children's stories.
University of Florida

Baldwin Library: Baby's Story Book by Laura E. Richards, Ed.

For Students 1st - 4th
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Baby's Story Book by Laura E. Richards, Ed (1886). It features illustrated children's stories.
University of Florida

Baldwin Library: Little Playmates by Mary E. Brine and Mary A. Allen

For Students 2nd - 4th
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Little Playmates by Mary E. Brine and Mary A. Allen (c1894), a collection of illustrated children's stories.
University of Florida

Baldwin Library: Sugar and Spice by Ernest Nister

For Students K - 1st
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Sugar and Spice by Ernest Nister (1890) an illustrated story about life with pets.
University of Florida

Baldwin Library: The Girl and Her Pets and Other Stories by Leavitt & Allen

For Students 1st - 3rd
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book The Girl and Her Pets and Other Stories by Leavitt & Allen (1865), a collection of illustrated children's stories.
University of Florida

Baldwin Library: Surprising Stories: Mouse and Her Sons, and the Funny Pigs

For Students 2nd - 4th
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Surprising Stories: Mouse and Her Sons, and the Funny Pigs by Dean and Son (1865), a collection of three illustrated children's stories written in verse.

Magic Keys: Children's Storybooks Online: Books for Young Adults

For Students 3rd - 8th
This resource presents seven illustrated books for young adults are offered here; one of them is audio enabled.

Magic Keys: Children's Storybooks Online: "Kitty Wants a Box"

For Students Pre-K - 1st
This is an illustrated, online children's story about a cats looking for the perfect box. Links to other illustrated, online children's stories are available. Java is required.