TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Visualizing the World's Twitter Data
Good morning, Twitter! Millions of tweets are sent everyday, and from these tweets, we can gather a lot of information about people's lives: where they travel, when they wake up, and their opinions on pretty much everything. Jer Thorp...
Read Write Think: Using Online Technology to Explore Characterization and Style
Students use social networking sites to trace the development of characters by assuming the persona of a character on the class Ning and sending a set number of tweets, or status updates.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Questioning Text
Creating a product and illustrations make this lesson great for teaching about questioning. Students will ask and answer questions about a text via the assistance of a graphic organizer.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: 10 Ways to Use Social Media in the Classroom
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides ten ways to incorporate social media to classroom instruction and writing initiatives.