
Mr breakfast.com: All Breakfast All the Time

For Students 9th - 10th
This is an excellent resource for healthy and tasty breakfast recipes, reviews of restaurants with great breakfast entrees, and features like "Ask Mr. Breakfast." Find ways to vary your morning meals everyday with simple ideas, read...

Cooking With Kids: Breakfast Baked in a Bar

For Students 3rd - 8th
Here is a simple recipe for kids to try with their parents' help. Learn to make breakfast bars using crescent rolls, apples, walnuts, caramels and common ingredients that are probably already in your kitchen.

On Track Diabetes: Breakfast Ideas for Kids With Diabetes

For Students 3rd - 8th
Learn why breakfast is such an important meal for kids, especially kids who have diabetes. This website provides numerous examples of food ideas for all kids (and parents) looking for protein-packed breakfast foods.

Healthy Eating: Breakfast

For Students 9th - 10th
Learn why eating breakfast helps contribute to a healthy metabolism and healthy weight, and find examples of simple breakfast foods that are low in fat and calories.
Unit Plan
Sophia Learning

Sophia: Bill Nye Answers: How Does the Mars Rover Prevent Contaminating Samples?

For Students 9th - 10th
Learn how the Mars Rover prevents germs from going to and coming from Mars in this video tutorial.