The Latter Rain: Pharisees
Discusses Pharisees' beliefs and relationships with Christians and their place in Jewish society at the time of Jesus.
Pharisees & Saducees
Primary sources place the Pharisees and Sadducees in context of their time.
What You Never Knew About the Pharisees
This site discusses the roles that the Sadducees and Pharisees played in society during Jesus' lifetime.
Christian Library: Jewish Sects
This site presents in outline form the three major sects that appeared during the time of Jesus, and how these sects affected the Jewish people as a whole.
University of Evansville: The Ecole Glossary: Paul
This site from the University of Evansville provides a short biography of St. Paul that describes his life, religious conversion, and ministry. Also provides a link to St. Peter along with a link to images.