Carly simon.com: Carly Simon
This page has everything you would want to know about Carly Simon. It is her official web site with links on: news, music, books, store, timeline, audio/images, and more. Click link to find out.
Deana Carter
This is the official resource of Deana Carter, country singer-songwriter. Includes bio, discography, and more.
Dolly Parton
A biography of Dolly Parton in a timeline format. Also includes many links to photos and other information about this country music artist.
Welcome to the Club the Women of Rockabilly
Learn about the women who were the queens of rockabilly. Listen to samples of their music, read brief biographies and view a timeline ranging 70 years.
Scott Alexander
History of Jazz Before 1930: Bessie Smith, 1895 1937
This page offers information about Bessie Smith's life and work, including several audio recordings.
Koko Taylor Talks About Her Subjects
Article and interview first published in Clockwork Review about Koko Taylor's, "Queen of the Blues", career.
Alligator Records: Koko Taylor
Biographical information about Koko Taylor. Links to pages with information about each of her albums.
Dream Horse Classifieds: Dale Evans
Biographical information about Dale Evans, western songwriter.
Temple University Press: Gender Politics and Mtv
A summary of Lisa Lewis's book on the careers of female musicians in which she "challenges the idea that MTV presents only negative and sexist images of women."