CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: 12.17 Consumers and Decomposers
Learn the difference between consumers and decomposers in the ecosystem.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: The Effects of Pesticides on the Food Chain
Lesson plan to construct and explain a food chain. Includes games and activities to teach and reinforce concepts.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Teeth Identification in Omnivores, Herbivores and Carniv
In this lesson plan, students make puppets out of paper bags and use corn to give their animal (dinosaur, raccoon, etc.) the correct type of teeth based on the animal's diet.
Wikipedia: Simple English Wikipedia: Herbivores
An easy-to-read entry on herbivores which explains not only what herbivores are, but also the different kinds of herbivores and their diets.
Who Zoo: Cheetahs
This site gives a great set of Cheetah images along with in depth descriptions. Links to additional information are listed at the bottom of this site.
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum (Uk): What Dinosaur Are You?
In this activity, the user will answer eleven quiz questions to determine whether they would be considered a carnivore or a herbivore.
My Science Box: Food Chains
Students will use a card sorting activity to construct a food chain and identify the role of organisms within that chain. The cards represent different individuals in an ecosystem and will help students begin to understand the concepts...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Where Do Mammals Live: Lion
Illustrated overview of the lion explains how the different roles of males and females help lions survive in their habitat.
Class Flow: Polar Bears
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a brief overview of polar bears.
Canadian Museum of Nature
Canadian Museum of Nature: Striped Skunk
The Canadian Museum of Nature offers a detailed drawing of a striped skunk followed by a brief description of the animal.
Class Flow: Carnivore Picnic
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart provides some examples to help distinguish between a carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Rome's Influence
A lesson plan which has students understanding the impact that Rome had on history, from things as diverse as city planning to our everyday vocabulary.
Math Science Nucleus
Math/science Nucleus: Food Chain Animation
This animation discusses the food chain in a storybook format. The chain is described as a cycle and both herbivores and carnivores are discussed.
Class Flow: Food Chains
[Free Registration/Login Required] Through this flipchart students will be able to summarize and organize simple food chains.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Food Chain in the Tundra Region
Describes the characteristics of a tundra biome, how a tundra food chain compares to a tropical food chain, and what the different trophic levels look like.
Pbs Nature: Sharks
How many species of sharks are there in the world of water? Students will discover how and where sharks live, what they eat and how they socialize through the exploration of this resource.