Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Race for Life: Plant Adaptations
This is an outdoors, hands-on activity. Create a short race course to engage students in physical activity while drawing comparisons to the plant kingdom. This activity serves as an introductory to the impact small changes can have on...
Utah STEM Foundation
Utah Stem Action Center: Backyard Organisms
Utah is a beautiful state with a rich and diverse population of living creatures. This activity challenges you to spend a few minutes outside thinking about and observing the organisms living in your backyard.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: What Do Plants Need?
In this lesson, students will understand that in order to grow healthy plants, soil, water, light, and air must be provided. Students will use math skills such as measurement and science process skills such as observation, comparing, and...
McGraw Hill
Mc Graw Hill: Chapter 39: Plant Nutrition and Soils
Take this pre-test to find out what you know about plant nutrition and soils.
Hunkins Experiments
Hunkin's Experiments: Potato Maze
Hunkin's Experiments is a group of simple cartoon illustrations of scientific principles. Some would work well in the classroom, but others have little value beyond entertaining students. All of the projects are easy to do. This one is a...
Hunkins Experiments
Hunkin's Experiments: Salad on a Sponge: Grow Your Name
Hunkin's Experiments is a group of simple cartoon illustrations of scientific principles. Some would work well in the classroom, but others have little value beyond entertaining students. All of the projects are easy to do. Both of these...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Mn Step: Seeds to Plants: How to Grow a Plant
An experiment where first-graders plant seeds and monitor their growth. Prior to planting, they decide on an inquiry question, and how they will find out the answer through the experiment.
Class Flow: Plant Life
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explains what resources plants need to grow, the parts of a plant, a word search, and questions to use with the Activotes.
Class Flow: Interdependence and Adaptations
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will learn about interdependence and adaptations through the needs of a common household plant.
US Department of Agriculture
The United States National Arboretum: Basic Plant Requirements
Site provides a brief description of some of the environmental parameters that influence plant growth.
Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: Plant Disease
This lesson focuses on plant disease caused by mineral deficiencies including nitrogen and magnesium.
Biology Wise: An Overview of the Plant Growth Process
Discusses the basic needs of plants and the stages they go through in developing from a seed.
Kids World : Plant Nutrition
Plants need certain nutrients to grow well. Use this site to find out what plants need, how to care for them, how to read a fertilizer label, and do the fun activities, like a quiz, a puzzle and a coloring book.