
Canal Kids: Dinossauros (Dinosaurs), a Era Dos Gigantes

For Students Pre-K - 1st
A good introduction to dinosaurs for young Portuguese-speaking children. Uses an engaging writing style, cartoon-style graphics, and animation to teach about the Mesozoic era. Coverage includes types of dinosaurs and their features,...

Canal Kids: Biodiversidade (Biodiversity in Portuguese)

For Students Pre-K - 1st
A look at biodiversity geared toward younger students but with very good subject depth. Topics include the human genome, water, soil and wind, pollution, and reckless exploration of the rainforest. In Portuguese.

Canal Kids: Saude (Health for Kids in Portuguese)

For Students Pre-K - 1st
A very informative and fun site children can use to learn about taking care of their health. In addition to information about the body, the senses, the brain, vaccines, and healthy habits, the site provides a brief history of medicine....

Canal Kids: Grandes Ingenerates (Big Inventions)

For Students Pre-K - 1st
An exploration of four defining scientific inventions/discoveries of recent history: plastic, laser technology, electricity, and bar codes. The history and development of these technologies, along with examples of their application and...

Ciencia Divertida (Fun Science): Pequenos Cientistas

For Students 3rd - 8th
Fun Science is designed to teach scientific experiments to children ages 3 to 16 in an informal and entertaining way. Click on "pequenos cientistas" to watch animated experiments and to access scientific facts and quizzes. The games...