Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Entomology: Insect Repellent
Information on insect repellents and how to use them safely. Includes links to additional resources. (Published: July 18, 2012)
National Council Against Health Fraud
Visit this site and become an informed consumer of healthcare products because "quackery is everywhere."
US National Library of Medicine
Medline Plus: Videos Y Multimedia
Online presentations on more than 150 health topics, diseases, and conditions, from acne to viruses. Each plays as a slide presentation, with sound, that you can control or set to autoplay. Time varies from 5-20 minutes. Available in...
University of Arizona
Pulse: Industrialization, Chemicals and Human Health
While students gain an understand of basic environmental toxicology, they explore the health impacts of industrialization on society in these lessons. This is a cross curricular unit that addresses standards for eleventh grade in math,...
Med Help: All Ask a Doctor Forums and Medical Communities
The Med Help Support Communities provides questions and answers about most medical conditions as well as allowing you to type in a question and get a reply from a doctor.