National Geographic
National Geographic: To Build an Island
"This lesson gives students a basic overview of the geography of islands. They learn where islands are located throughout the world and will study two very different island groups (the Philippines and the British Isles) to illustrate the...
National Geographic
National Geographic: Educator Resources: Extreme Weather on Other Planets
Find lesson plans, worksheets, photo galleries, and related links for teaching about the weather systems of planets in our solar system.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: A Rocky Mountain Bio Blitz
National Geographic's 2012 BioBlitz took place in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. This GeoStory captures the spirit and wildlife discoveries of the 2012 BioBlitz.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: American Wetlands
Visit this GeoStory to discover the wetland ecosystems across the United States.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: Citizen Scientists Across the u.s.
Meet some people who volunteer in citizen science efforts across the country.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: Emerging Explorers
Find out how modern-day explorers change the way we change our world in this interactive Geostory activity.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: Earth's Extremes
Follow this GeoStory to learn about Earth's extremes, from highest and lowest, to hottest and coldest.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: Hominin History
Launch the GeoStory to find out about hominins. There are many, many extinct hominins, a fraction of which are represented in this activity.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: Ocean Exploration
This Geostory illustrates pivotal events in undersea understanding.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: Port Cities
Use this GeoStory in classroom instruction to provide information about how port cities help exchange goods and services.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: Participatory Mapping in the Caribbean
Explore the Caribbean's Grenadine chain of islands through the work of a cartographer and mapping expert.
National Geographic
National Geographic: The Walrus and the Carpenter
This GeoStory walks learners through the poem, "The Walrus and the Carpenter" with an image and map accompanying each stanza, and in many cases individual lines. The images are either literal representations or metaphors of a line in the...
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: The Ab Cs of Mp As
Each slide in this GeoStory includes information about an aspect of a marine protected aea, as well as a link to related content from National Geographic Education.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: The Geography of Jazz
Explore this Geostory as it traces the roots of jazz from its humble beginnings in the southern United States to becoming one of the most widely recognized musical styles in the world.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostory: The 80s: The Decade That Made Us
Use this interactive Geostory module to relive the political, environmental, and pop cultural moments that made the 1980s an important time in U.S. history.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Analyze a Community Map
Understand the map of a community and recognize the strategies developers have in placing public services in specific locations throughout the town.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Planet Food: Explore the World Through Food
Students discover their own global food network by playing "Planet Food"-a two-part interactive game that introduces the concepts of interdependence and globalization through the geography of food.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Celebrate Geography Awareness Week
Geography Awareness Week (GAWeek)was created in 1987 as a time for families, students, teachers, and the general public to promote and celebrate the study of geography.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Global Closet Calculator
Play this two-part interactive game to understand the interdependence and globalization of manufactured goods. By using the clothes in the closet, map out where the clothing is manufactured. The second part of the game investigates...
National Geographic
National Geographic: Extreme Weather on Our Planet
This lesson from National Geographic for grades 2-5 has a great photo gallery and video of extreme weather, and a chart for plotting weather investigation. Learning objectives, teaching methods, and connections to National Science...
National Geographic
National Geographic: Build a Magnetometer
Hands-on project where the learner constructs a magnetometer to monitor and measure changes in earth's magnetic field. These changes can then be used to track solar storms.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Geostories: Geography on the Job
Each story point in this Geostory includes images, a short bio, and an interactive mapping tool that allows students to see the regions where geography work takes place.
National Geographic Kids
National Geographic Kids: Cheetah [Pdf]
Print out this great coloring page of the cheetah! What beautiful eyes! What big feet! And watch him run! Requires Adobe Reader. [PDF]
National Geographic Kids
National Geographic Kids: Chimpanzee [Pdf]
Print this fun and engaging coloring page of the chimpanzee! What big mouths they have! And big hands and feet! Requires Adobe Reader. [PDF]