Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: The Present Participle
Use this site to practice strengthening your knowledge of present participles. Utilize this efficient online worksheet to insert the present participles of the given infinitive. Afterwards, translate the English infinitive into the...
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Reflexive Verbs Part I
Great introduction to reflexive and nonreflexive verb constructions. Contrasting examples illustrate the proper use of reflexive verbs. Students may test their mastery of this principle with a quiz, an oral activity, and test that follow...
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Reflexive Verbs Part Ii
This site has an explanation of reflexive verbs, which focuses on their use with double verbs and in intransitive constructions. Also useful, is a list of verbs that have different meanings when used reflexively, and a list of common...
Spanish Tools: Verbs Used Reflexively
Review verbs which use reflexive pronouns and how this affects the meanings. Provides an extensive list of reflexive verbs.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Formal Commands (Part 2)
Practice changing 16 reflexive verb infinitives to affirmative and negative usted and ustedes commands. Stem-changers, spelling changes, regular and irregular formal commands are included in this exercise.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Spanish Reflexive Verbs Exercises
This site is great practice from Colby College with some of the more common reflexive verbs. This exercise is not as concerned with testing grammatical applications as it is with testing for the meaning of the reflexive verb in context....
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Reflexive Verbs in Song
Complete the lyrics of a song with a variety of reflexive constructions. A great way to review some basic reflexive verbs and become familiar with other reflexive verbs that are not so basic.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Informal Commands (Part 1)
Practice forming affirmative and negative tu commands with reflexive pronouns in this Spanish tutorial. Infinitives are provided as cues for the exercise as well as stem-changers, spelling changes, and regular and irregular command forms.