Thomson Reuters
Find Law: Annotation 10: Sixth Amendment: Assistance to Council
This article uses specific court cases to show how the right to counsel at trial was developed into the present day standard.
Thomson Reuters
Find Law: Article Iii: Categories of Contempt
An in-depth look at the different types of contempt of court, in the United States legal system.
Thomson Reuters
Find Law: u.s. Supreme Court: Escobedo v. Illinois (1964)
A detailed description of the United States Supreme Court decision on the appeal of the case Escobedo v. Illinois, which ruled on the right to have counsel under the 6th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution.
Wikipedia: Federal Judiciary of the United States
This Wikipedia entry on the Federal government of the United States gives detailed information on each aspect of the judiciary branch.
Lectric Law Library
'Lectric Law Library: Contempt of Court
This site gives a complete description of the legal term contempt of court. It also describes various types of contempt of court.
The Alliance: Review of in Re Gault
This article provides an easily understandable description of the 1967 U.S Supreme Court case involving Gerald Gault.
Miranda Warnings: When Are They Really Necessary?
This site discusses the different situations in which the Miranda Warnings are necessary.
Touro Law Center: Project Patch: Decided March 18, 1963: Gideon v. Wainwright
An overview of the 1963 court case, Gideon v. Wainwright and the affect of the outcome of this court case.
Thomson Reuters
Find Law: u.s. Supreme Court: In Re Gault (1967)
Full court transcript of 1967 U.S. Supreme Court case involving a juvenile, Gerald Gault.
Lectric Law Library
Lectric Law: Due Process
This resource presents a detailed description of the legal term "due process" with court cases cited.
Lectric Law Library
Lectric Law Library: Venue
This resource provides a thorough summary of the legal term "venue".
Syracuse University
Syracuse University: Youth Due Process Gerald Gault
This site contains a description of the juvenile justice system, background on the case involving Gerald Gault, and learning exercises for teachers to use in class.
Lectric Law Library
'Lectric Law Library: Opening Statement
This site gives an overview of the opening statement, which takes place at the begining of a trial.
Supreme Court Rules in Exclusionary Rule Case
Description of a 1995 court case, Arizona v. Evans, in which the ruling was reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court and how the case applies to the Exclusionary Rule.
Cnn: Seeking to Preserve Miranda Warnings
An CNN news article discussing whether or not the Miranda rulings should be kept entact.