Teaching American History
Teaching American History: From Bullets to Ballots Chapter 5
Alexander Hamilton's influences in politics among citizens seemed to create frustration with those who agreed with the philosophies of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The Republicans begin organizing themselves.
Teaching American History
Teaching American History: From Bullets to Ballots Chapter 6
Zvesper's book, From Bullet to Ballots, Chapter 6 introduces what anti-republicans looked like in the early days of the U.S. government. How did republicans differ from anti-republicans? What were representatives of each group?
Mega Mathematics: Graphs and Graph Theory
Contains a clear explanation of the basic terminology of graph theory. The useful for a first introduction to graphs and graph theory.
Los Alamos National Laboratory: Games on Graphs
Learn to understand graphs and graph theory by playing games from Los Alamos National Laboratory. The site also provides definitions and related links.