Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Thermodynamics
In this interactive unit on thermodynamics, you'll learn why heat flows the way it does and how that flow of thermal energy can be put to good use in your daily life.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Bond Enthalpy and Enthalpy of Reaction
Explanation of bond enthalpy that includes examples of calculating enthalpies of reaction using bond enthalpy.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Gibbs Free Energy and Spontaneity
Explanation of Gibbs Free Energy and Spontaneity. Includes formulas and examples.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Second Law of Thermodynamics: Heat Engines and Their Efficiency
By the end of this section, you will be able to state the expressions of the second law of thermodynamics; calculate the efficiency and carbon dioxide emission of a coal-fired electricity plant, using second law characteristics; and...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Thermodynamics: Conceptual Questions
This is a list of 37 question that cover the major concepts presented in Chapter 15: Thermodynamics from the AP Physics online text.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Entropy & 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Disorder & Lack of Energy
By the end of this section, you will be able to define entropy, calculate the increase of entropy in a system with reversible and irreversible processes, explain the expected fate of the universe in entropic terms, and calculate the...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Thermodynamics: Problems and Exercises
This is a list of 67 problems and exercises to solve based on the content presented in Chapter 15: Thermodynamics from the AP Physics online text.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Second Law of Thermodynamics
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Students will analyze and explain everyday examples that illustrate the laws of thermodynamics, including the law of conservation of energy and the law of entropy.
Georgia State University
Georgia State University: Hyper Physics: Law Concepts
This site from Georgia State University Department of Physics and Astronomy is an indexing page for the HyperPhysics site. The page links to a variety of other pages which discuss concepts related to entropy and the second law of...
Wikipedia: The Laws of Thermodynamics
A Wikipedia article summarizing each of the laws of thermodynamics. Links are provided throughout the article for additional information.
FT Exploring
Ft Exploring: The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Learn about one of the most misunderstood principles of physics, the second law of thermodynamics.
FT Exploring
Ft Exploring: The Second Law of Thermodynamics Equilibrium & Heat Engines
Use this illustrated guide to understand equilibrium and heat engines as they relate to the second law of thermodynamics.
Concord Consortium
Concord Consortium: Molecular Workbench: Loschmidt's Paradox
Use this simulation to observe how Loschmidt's Paradox affects the entropy of an isolated system.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Why Don't Perpetual Motion Machines Ever Work?
Netta Schramm describes the pitfalls of perpetual motion machines.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Thermodynamics: Summary
This is a summary of each of the sections in Chapter 15: Thermodynamics from the AP Physics online text.
University of Sydney (Australia)
Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics [Pdf]
A set of printable pdf pages from the University of Sydney's "Thermal Physics Module" site. Entropy is defined and explained conceptually. The mathematical treatment of entropy is introduced. The second law of thermodynamics and its...
Physics4 Kids: Thermodynamics and Heat: Laws of Thermodynamics
Explains the laws of thermodynamic, including the zeroth law.
Physics4 Kids: Thermodynamics and Heat: Second Law of Thermodynamics
Explains the second law of thermodynamics.