Energy4me: Understanding Hydraulic Fracturing Wells
Images, facts and figures that illustrate and explain the process of hydraulic fracturing.
Energy4me: Hydraulic Fracturing
This landing page allows learners to explore and learn about the process of hydraulic fracturing.
Energy4me: History of Hydraulic Fracturing
Use this interactive timeline to learn about the history of hydraulic fracturing.
Energy4me: Water Usage
Learn about the water use during the process of hydraulic fracturing.
Energy4me: Hydraulic Fracturing Resources and Faq
Many questions arise when people discuss hydraulic fracturing in their communities. Find answers to frequently-asked questions related to this technology.
Energy4me: Fast Facts: Water Requirements of Hydraulic Fracturing
Get the facts on the water requirements needed for the process of hydraulic fracturing.
Energy4me: How Fracturing Works
Find out how the process of fracturing uses a fluid to fracture rocks for oil and natural gas extraction.
Energy4me: Fracturing Fluid
Learn how fracturing fluid is an essential component of the shale gas extraction process.
Energy4me: Groundwater Safety
Find out about groundwater safety when it comes to hydraulic fracturing.
Energy4me: Meet the Society of Petroleum Engineers Experts
Hear from the Society of Petroleum Engineers' team of Energy Experts, composed of engineers and industry specialists.