Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Internet Classics Archive: The Choephori
MIT's Internet Classics Archive offers a complete text of The Choephori, or The Libation Bearers, by Aeschylus. This is the second play in the Oresteia trilogy.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Internet Classics Archive: Eumenides
MIT's Internet Classics Archive offers a complete text of "The Eumenides" or "The Furies" by Aeschylus. This is the final play in the Oresteia trilogy.
Able Media
Ctc: Gods, Grief and Freedom in Aeschylus' Oresteia
Refers to the underlying theme of Greek tragedies as mere mortals worrying about their actions.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Agamemnon
This comprehensive site gives a summary, the major themes, plot analysis and study questions of the ancient play, Agamemnon.