National Health Museum
Nhm: Amino Acid Sequences Show Evolution
This lesson plan focuses on differences in the amino acid sequence of hemoglobin and myoglobin proteins. They use the number of differences to create a phylogenetic tree.
National Health Museum
Access Excellence: Molecular Biology/primate Phylogeny
This lesson plan involves comparison of amino acids to create a phylogenetic tree of primates. Students will also use other species information to draw conclusions about evolutionary relationships.
National Health Museum
Access Excellence: Making a Phylogenetic Tree Lesson Plan
Constructing phylogenetic trees may be a daunting task for students, but this lesson plan is a simulation of what molecular biologists must do to determine relationships. This plan is for students who have a good grasp of DNA structure...
National Health Museum
Nhm: Restriction Maps to Cladograms Lesson
This lesson plan requires students to analyze DNA restriction maps to determine the differences in the sequence for several primates and humans. They then use the information to create a cladogram.