Smithsonian Institution
Tween Tribune: Week of 8 8 16: New, Rarely Seen Whale Spotted in Pacific
Genetic tests confirm that a mysterious, unnamed species of beaked whale only rarely seen alive by Japanese fishermen roams the northern Pacific Ocean. This is according to newly published research.
Fishin for Facts Library
A comprehensive site that includes a wealth of information on whales, sharks, penguins and squid.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Blainville's Beaked Whales
Discover useful information about Blainville's beaked whales including description, behavior, range, habitat, diet, breeding, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: True's Beaked Whales
Illustrated reference guide features useful information on True's beaked whales with facts on physical characteristics, behavior, range, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Stejneger's Beaked Whales
Illustrated reference guide features useful information on Stejneger's beaked whales with facts on physical characteristics, behavior, range, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Sowerby's Beaked Whales
Illustrated reference guide features useful information on Sowerby's beaked whales with facts on physical characteristics, behavior, range, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Hubbs' Beaked Whales
Illustrated reference guide features useful information on Hubbs' beaked whales with facts on physical characteristics, behavior, range, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Hector's Beaked Whales
Illustrated reference guide features useful information on Hector's beaked whales with facts on physical characteristics, behavior, range, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Ginko Toothed Beaked Whales
Illustrated reference guide features useful information on Ginko-toothed beaked whales with facts on physical characteristics, behavior, range, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Gervais' Beaked Whales
Illustrated reference guide features useful information on Gervais' beaked whales with facts on physical characteristics, behavior, range, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
Bbc Newsround: Whale Sets New Breath Holding Record
A Cuvier's beaked whale recently accomplished a dive in which it held its breath for 137 minutes, a new record.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: American Mammals: Gervais's Beaked Whale
More than 50 Gervais's beaked whales have been found stranded along the coast of the United States. The holotype of this species - the individual that was identified as a separate species, and named - was found floating in the English...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: American Mammals: Hubbs's Beaked Whale
Hubbs's beaked whale is another little-known species. Beaks of squids and otoliths (inner ear particles) of some deepwater fish, some of which could have come from the stomachs of the squids, were found in the stomachs of a few stranded...