National Health Museum
Access Excellence:what Is the Role of Genetic Counseling
An extensive article discussing the role of a genetic counselors, who gets genetic counseling, how they use genetic and chromosome maps for diagnosis, and how they help people cope with genetic diseases.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dna From the Beginning: Chromosome Mapping
Alfred Sturtevant will describe his gene mapping research with fruit flies. This animated explanation will show how he bred fruit flies to determine the proximity of genes.
Nature Research
Scitable: Chromosomes and Cytogenetics
A library of information on chromosomes and their role in heredity. Articles found on the website study chromosome structure, chromosome composition, chromosome abnormalities, roles that chromosome plays in sex determination, and changes...
National Health Museum
Access Excellence: Human Chromosomes
This map from Access Excellence shows human chromosome pairs. The site includes a short description of chromosome structure, staining of chromosomes and karyotypes.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Genome Project Information Archive
This reosurce from the Human Genome Project of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) provides links to all the information you ever wanted to know regarding the Human Genome Project.