Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Make Your Own Psychrometer
From the name, you might guess that a psychrometer is an instrument designed to measure your thoughts. Actually, it is an instrument that can help you forecast the weather. Read more to find out how it works.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Foggy Forecasting: What Weather Factors Create Radiation Fog?
The poet Carl Sandburg wrote, "The fog comes on little cat feet". In this weather science fair project, you'll discover why this beautiful, quiet creeper appears on some days, and not on others. If you are fascinated by fog and weather...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: Forces of Change:el Nino
As the Western Pacific Ocean warms weather changes around the world. This interactive site provides information about El Nino, including what it is, its history and the power of its reach around the world.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Science: South Africa: What Is the Weather Like Today?
Join Tim and Johnny on their voyage to South Africa, but before they get there they need to make sure they understand the weather conditions. This interactive module helps you describe the weather, learn about basic forecasting and how...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Science: Christmas Island: How Do We Describe the Weather?
Join Tim on Christmas Island to understand how to gauge weather conditions. Learn all about tracking weather, finding clothing suitable for various weather conditions, which animal likes a certain type of weather, and activities for...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Science: Titanic Shipwreck: How Can We Predict the Weather?
Join Tim on the Titanic Shipwreck to understand about weather predictions. Learn about weather forecasts and different instruments that help determine what the weather will be. Win stars for every correct answer and earn a certificate at...
DOGO Media
Dogo News: Week of 4 18 16: Measuring Raindrops From Space
Article reports on why measuring the size of raindrops from space may help improve weather predictions. Includes video.
University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: Weather [More Data + More Computers = Better Forecasts]
Weather forecasters are gathering new data to improve forecast accuracy, but already, forecasts outside the summer season are highly accurate. What new technologies are being put into place to improve forecast accuracy, especially for...
Open Stax: College Physics: Humidity, Evaporation, and Boiling
A college textbook section that explores vapor pressure, relative humidity, and dew point. Section reviews how to calculate values like percent relative humidity. Section also includes problems and questions for the students to answer to...
Teach Engineering: Weather and Atmosphere
In this unit, students learn the basics about weather and the atmosphere. They investigate materials engineering as it applies to weather and the choices available to us for clothing to counteract the effects of weather. Students have...
Weather Underground: The Authority in Expert Weather
Weather maps, forecasts, radar, NEXRAD, satellite images, and lifestyle weather reports for the United States and world. Includes Dr. Dewpoint and Weather 101 sections for educational use.
University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: Hurricanes
This information-filled article provides you with everything you need to know regarding hurricanes and tropical cyclones.
Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education, Stevens Institute of Technology
Ciese Real Time Data Projects: Weather Scope: A Study of Weather and Climate
Use real-time data to study factors that affect weather and climate, create weather instruments, and share data with students around the world.
Ucar Center for Science Education: Web Weather for Kids
This website provides information, lessons and activities regarding clouds, tornadoes, thunderstorms, hurricanes and winter storms.
Florida State University Cpalms: Florida Students: How's the Weather?
A tutorial that describes the five factors that determine the weather in a particular place and time. The factors discussed in this tutorial are air temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind, and precipitation. A PDF file of the tutorial...
Florida State University Cpalms: Florida Students: What Causes Weather?
Determine parameters of weather; including specifically temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind direction and wind speed in this tutorial. During this tutorial, you will relate the jet stream and ocean circulation to the causes of...
Denver Museum of Nature and Science: What's the Weather Like Today? [Pdf]
Weather is all around us. We can see it, feel it, touch it, hear it, and even taste it. Weather is the condition of the atmosphere with respect to temperature, humidity, wind, and other factors. Some of the many weather conditions...
National Weather Service
National Weather Service: Basic Weather Spotters' Field Guide [Pdf]
Written in an Adobe PDF file, this publication teaches about basic weather phenomena and how to recognize advancing severe weather systems in real time.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Trb 4:2 Investigation 6 Collecting Weather Data
Students will Collect data, then make weather predictions from the weather patterns.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah's Meteorologists
In this activity students will compare and contrast the seasonal weather patterns.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Winter and Summer Storms Scenarios
Understand that there are reasons that summer and winter storms are different.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Expand Weather Conditions Vocabulary
Second graders will observe and describe weather and use weather related vocabulary in Navajo, Ute, and Spanish.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Calendar & Weather Book
Second graders will record and track weather patterns through the year.
Virginia Department of Education: Weather Patterns and Seasonal Changes
By the end of this lesson, young scholars will describe the weather for each season. They will also describe how the weather affects the plants, animals, and people during each season. Activities include taking a weather walk, charting...