San Diego Zoo Global
San Diego Zoo: Andean (Spectacled) Bear
This excellent resource from the San Diego Zoo presents extensive information on spectacled bears including details about their habitat, physical characteristics, size, diet, family life, conservation status, and fun facts. Audio clip...
Sheppard Software
Sheppard Software: Spectacled Bear
This site gives a brief description of a spectacled bear, including its behavior, appearance, and classification. The site includes photos and illustrations and an interactive quiz to test your understanding.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian National Zoo: Zoogoer Magazine: Bear Conservation Around the World
This article examines individual species of bears in reference to conservation including the Giant panda, Spectacled bear, Sun Bear, Sloth bear, American Black Bear, Asiatic black bear, Brown Bear, and more.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian National Zoo: Zoogoer Magazine: Spectacled Bear Fact Sheet
A page of facts on spectacled bears can be found here. Content on the page includes information on their physical appearance, size, habitat, reproduction, geographical distribution, diet, and typical behavior.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos Ornatus)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the Tremarctos Ornatus, more commonly known as the spectacled bear.
The BIG zoo
The Big Zoo: Spectacled Bear
Site provides some interesting facts on these huge creatures. Contains a physical description, information on diet, habitat as well as birth and offspring.