National Health Museum
Radioactivity: Historical Figures
A summary of the contributions of Wilhelm Roentgen, Antione Henri Becquerel, Marie Curie, and Ernest Rutherford on radioactivity.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Magnet Academy: Timeline of Electricity and Magnetism: 1890 1899
Scientists discover and probe x-rays and radioactivity, while inventors compete to build the first radio.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Wilhelm Rontgen
A short biography about the scientist who produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range known as X-rays or Rontgen rays, which earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: The Dual Nature of Light as Reflected in the Nobel Archives
This article discusses the historical figures who contributed to our understanding of the nature of light, x-rays, Quantum ElectroDynamic (QED) theory, and so on.
Idaho State University
Idaho State University: Radiation Measurement
A brief introduction to units of radiation measurement.
Curated OER
Science World: Rontgen, Wilhelm
This site from ScienceWorld provides a very short biographical sketch of Wilhelm Rontgen (1845-1923 CE) and describes his most notable scientific discoveries and contributions.