The Math League
The Math League: Integers
This site provides a detailed overview of integers, including positive and negative integers, number lines, absolute values of integers, and comparing integers.
McGraw Hill
Glencoe: Self Check Quizzes 3 Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Use Glencoe's Math Course 3 randomly generated self-checking quiz to test your knowledge of multiplying and dividing integers. Each question has a "Hint" link to help. Choose the correct answer for each problem. At the bottom of the page...
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Mathematics: Online Study Tools: Multiplying and Dividing Integers
This site gives a short interactive quiz which allows students to self-assess their understanding of the concept of multiplying and dividing integers.
Lawrence Hall of Science
The Math Page: Skill in Algebra: Multiplying and Dividing Signed Numbers
Here is a site that clearly and thoroughly explains multiplying and dividing signed numbers. There are example problems solved, problems for the student to attempt, and answers to the student problems. Point this site out to students who...