Curated OER
National Park Service: Vicksburg Natl Military Park: Passing the Vicksburg Batteries
Read how Rear Admiral David Dixon Porter moved his fleet past the Vicksburg batteries and lost only one transport.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of the Wilderness
Summarizes events of the Battle of the Wilderness, a major battle fought in Virginia in 1864 during the Civil War.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Siege of Petersburg
Summarizes events of the Siege of Petersburg which took place from 1864-1865 during the Civil War.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Mobile Bay
Summarizes events of the Battle of Mobile Bay which took place in 1864 during the Civil War.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Atlanta
Summarizes events of the Battle of Atlanta which took place in 1864 during the Civil War.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Nashville
Summarizes events of the Battle of Nashville which took place in 1864 during the Civil War.
The Gettysburg Welcome Center: The Battle of Gettysburg
A summary and synopsis of the three days of the Battle of Gettysburg, the turning point of the Civil War, and its aftermath.
Beeghley Tech Innovations: Teaching the Civil War With Technology: Battles
This is an alphabetical list of links to resources for specific battles of the Civil War such as Antietam and Appomattox.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Chattanooga
Article contains interesting facts and information about the Battle of Chattanooga, one of the major battles that were fought during the Civil War on November 23-25, 1863.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Chickamauga
Article contains interesting facts and information about the Battle of Chickamauga, one of the major battles that were fought during the Civil War on September 19-20, 1863.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Chancellorsville
Article contains interesting facts and information about the Battle of Chancellorsville, one of the major battles that were fought during the Civil War on May 1-4, 1863.
Siteseen: Civil Conflict: Battle of Shiloh
Article contains interesting facts and information about the Battle of Chancellorsville, one of the major battles that were fought during the Civil War on April 6-7, 1862.
Curated OER
National Park Service: Cwsac: Civil War Battle Summaries: Appomattox Court House
A brief description of Lee's attempts to escape at Appomattox Court House and his eventual surrender.
Military History Online: The Wheatfield
This article analyzes the battle fought in The Wheatfield, a small rocky slope on the southern half of the Gettysburg battlefield.