Curated OER
Adding Decimals
Adding decimals can be simple; show scholars the practical uses of adding numbers with decimals as they add measurements and amounts of money. The first eight equations are written vertically with some sums requiring a dollar sign, some...
Curated OER
Adding Money
Show young economists that adding money is just like adding the numbers they are used to. They complete two addition tables, adding monetary values under 50 cents. There are a couple done for them to give guidance, but learners must...
Curated OER
Addition Word Problems
These word problems are a medley of addition practice; scholars add prices, chew toys, pages read, miles, and more. For each, there is a box for learners to show their work. Remind your class to read the...
Curated OER
Multiplication and Areas
Upper graders solve problems involving measurement of squares and rectangles to practice multiplication skills, finding area, and calculating prices and percentages. A performance assessment is included.
Curated OER
Morning Math
Rise and shine, mathematicians! These warm-ups will get your class putting on their thinking caps first thing as they recall past concepts and continue practicing newer ones. The problems are segmented and include concepts such as number...
Curated OER
Morning Math
It's never too early for math! Use these morning math problems to get learners reviewing past concepts and staying sharp on newer ones. The 16 warm-ups include skills such as counting by 10, adding in a word problem, decomposing numbers...
Curated OER
Add and Subtract Money - Word Problems
In this simple word problem activity, 3rd graders solve 4 problems using addition or subtraction, showing their work in the spaces provided. An answer key is provided.
Curated OER
Books, Books, Books
For this consumer math challenge worksheet, learners solve problems using the titles and prices of books at a book fair. Students solve 4 problems.
Curated OER
Money Addition-3-Digits
In this money addition learning exercise, learners complete 20 3-digit problems, some require carrying, others do not. A reference web site is given for additional activities.
Curated OER
Money Addition
In this money addition worksheet, learners add sets of coins, writing the amount of each coin in the group beneath it, then writing the total. Students are reminded to "put the cents sign in."
Curated OER
Money Addition (I)
In this adding foreign money worksheet, students change the money signs to dollars and cents and find the sums. Students solve 20 problems.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Consumer Math
From basics such as adding and subtracting money, converting coins, and making change to more advanced topics such as sales tax and simple interest, this interactive tutorial offers help with consumer math issues.
University of Regina (Canada)
University of Regina: Math Central: Lesson Plan: Money, Money, Money
It all about money! Explore the concept of money in this real-world, unit plan. A collection of six lessons where students practice skills such as coin identification, mental math, menu math, making change, math operations with coins,...
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Figure This: Double or Not
Is "time money"? See if you can figure out exactly how much your time is worth. Explore the concepts of number patterns, time, and money in this one-page activity from the NCTM Math Challenge for Families series. Find out why mastering...
Doina Popovici
Math Play: Money Game: Counting Money
Students solve money word problems and count correct change to answer the questions.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Pigs and Money
After reading the book "Pigs Will Be Pigs" by Amy Axelrod, students will practice how to add money. They will practice how to spend money without spending more than they have in their budget.