Center For Civic Education
Center for Civic Education: Fall 5 Day Brief Lesson Plans on Voting
A set of brief lessons on voting. Topics covered include voting requirements, registering to vote, voting trends, voter self-education, setting up a polling station, and simulating an election polling site that coincides with a real fall...
Center For Civic Education
Center for Civic Education: Fall Extended Lesson Plans on Voting
An in-depth set of lessons on voting. Topics covered include voting requirements, registering to vote, voting trends, voter self-education, setting up a polling station, and simulating an election polling site that coincides with a real...
Nicky Case: To Build a Better Ballot
Distrust in democracy has been growing in America over the past few generations. There are many ways to help regain trust and Nicky Case analyzes one of those ways - choosing an alternative voting system. By viewing computer simulations...
Center For Civic Education
Center for Civic Education: Fall 3 Day Lesson Plans on Voting
A set of three lessons on voting. Topics covered include voter registration, educating oneself prior to voting, and simulating an election in class that coincides with a real fall election. All lessons can be downloaded.
Try Engineering: Cast Your Vote
Students learn about the engineering design process as they design, build, test, and evaluate a voting system made with everyday materials. The objective of the lesson plan is to learn how engineering has changed methods of voting over...
Kids Voting Usa
Kids Voting USA offers learning activities on the history and importance of voting, as well as a timeline of suffrage in the United States. Each learning activity includes materials, objectives, and questions to be raised in class.