MadSci Network
Mad Scientist Network: How Do Planes Fly Upside Down?
Question and answer regarding the physics principles that apply to a plane flying upside down.
National Academy of Engineering
Greatest Achievements: Airplane
This page provides an overview of the history behind one of the greatest engineering innovations of all time:the airplane. There is also a timeline showing its development.
American Experience: Technology Timeline: 1752 1990
Short descriptions of important technological innovations produced in America and the date of their introduction.
Pbs: American Experience: The Wright Stuff
Companion website to the PBS documentary on the Wright Brothers and their contributions to aviation.
Plane Writing
This resource contains quotations and information about aviation throughout history.
Ace Pilots: Billy Bishop
A biography on one of the most successful and notorious of WWI flying Aces. Quotes are included here.
Smithsonian Institution
National Postal Museum: Art of the Stamp: Kitty Hawk (1903)
View the artwork for a U.S. postage stamp issued in 1998 to commemorate the Wright Brothers first flight near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Includes a detailed paragraph about the famous flight.
The Henry Ford
Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village: Wright Brothers
Brief history of the lives and accomplishments of Wilbur and Orville Wright. Includes a chronology of major events from Wilbur's birth in 1867 to Orville's death in 1948.
Class Flow: Airplane Anatomy
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students identify the correct position of the parts of an airplane.
Lesson Plan Activities: Amelia Earhart and Airplanes
This site features several instructional activity ideas and activities on Amelia Earhart and airplanes for young learners.
Suzy's World: Aerodynamics
Use this fact sheet to find out what makes things fly with this fact sheet on aerodynamics.
Ducksters: Wright Brothers: Inventors of the Airplane.
Kids learn about the Wright Brothers's biography. Inventors of the airplane.
Nasa: How Things Fly
Easy to read guide from NASA on the basics of flight. Great graphics and some simulations are included.
Science4 Fun: Invention of Airplane
Learn about the early efforts to fly, the Wright brothers first successful flight in 1903, and the modern airplane.
South Carolina Educational Television
Know It All: Weight | Nasa Online
How does weight affect an airplane? Watch the simulation to find out.
South Carolina Educational Television
Know It All: Parts of an Airplane | Nasa Online
Watch the simulation to learn the parts of an airplane.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Lab Activity: Helicopter
The Illinois Institute of Technology lets students investigate the aerodynamics of a helicopter, focusing on the variables which effect the lift, thrust, drag, and weight. Students investigate the effects of aerodynamics on a wide board.
Nasa: Beginner's Guide to Aerodynamics
This site from NASA discusses application of Newton's first law of motion to airplane motion. Includes a graphic and an accompanying explanation.
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: English (Esl) Label Me! Printouts
Over 100 handouts with answer sheets you can print and use to help build English vocabulary. Numerous topics and themes are covered: everyday words, math terms, seasonal and holiday words, geographical terms, animals, opposites, parts of...