Grammarly Blog: Run on Sentences
Rules and examples for using commas when writing a complex sentence.
Grammarly Blog: Commas After Introductory Phrases
This Grammarly Handbook resource explains how to use commas after introductory phrases in sentences.
Grammarly Blog: Comma Before Parenthesis
This page explains the proper use of commas with parenthesis: no comma before a parenthesis, no comma after a parenthesis unless it is needed for another reason such as a long introductory clause in a complex sentence, and no commas if...
Grammarly Blog: Oxford Comma
Rules and examples for using a comma before the conjunction in a list.
Grammarly Blog: Unnecessary Comma in a Complex Sentence
Rules and examples for using commas when writing a complex sentence.
The Tongue Untied
University of Oregon the Tongue Untied: Punctuation: Comma
This site features a list of eleven simple rules for comma usage. Come and sharpen your grammar skills when you visit this educational resource.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Comma Sense
Notes, a PowerPoint presentation, and a video introducing commas, their purpose, and common usage mistakes. Comma rules and examples concerning coordinating clauses, items in a list, introductory elements, and nouns of direct address are...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Commas
Watch a video and click through a nine-slide presentation to learn where commas came from, how they are used properly, and when they should not be used. [7:27]
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Divided Quotation Punctuation
An eight-slide presentation explaining how to properly punctuate a divided quote.
University of North Carolina
Commas, Commas and More Commas
How do you become a comma super hero? Use this awesome resource to learn more about commas. Students and teachers can brush up on their comma skills when they explore this educational site.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Punctuation (English I Writing)
Learn proofreading techniques to use in checking for correct punctuation.
Meredith Grammar Review: Clauses & Phrases
This online grammar guide provides instructions and examples on punctuating combinations of phrases and clauses. It also provides interactive exercises throughout the chapter.
Letters and Parts of a Letter Worksheets
This resource provides four worksheets that students can use to review the parts of a friendly letter. Each worksheet addresses the need for commas in designated parts of a letter.
Sandhills Community College: Punctuation Guide
Lists, defines and describes the uses of many elements of English punctuation, including the period, comma, semicolon, colon, apostrophe, quotation, hyphen, and dash. Includes several examples.
University of Victoria (Canada)
Elc Study Zone: Using Commas
Do you know how to use commas properly? Use this website to learn more about these pesky punctuation marks.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Extended Rules for Using Commas
Purdue University provides a tutorial on the correct usage of commas.
Harvard University
Harvard Writing Center: Tips on Grammar, Punctuation and Style
Rather than lists of rules, this site provides practical advice on the use of commas, semicolons, dashes, hyphens, abbreviations, acronyms, split infinitives, "this," "that," italics, and underlining. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.2
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Punctuation: Conquering the Comma: Power Point
A PowerPoint presentation introducing common rules of comma usage as well as how commas are used in phrases and clauses.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Salutations, Valedictions, Dates, and Addresses
Commas are needed when starting or ending a letter/email, writing out dates, or writing out addresses.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Commas and Introductory Elements
Basically, you can use commas at the beginning of sentences to set up an introduction.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Commas and Adjectives
Learn about coordinate adjectives and putting commas between them.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Appositives
We use appositives to redefine or clarify a noun phrase; test your knowledge in this exercise!
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Commas in Dialogue, Tag Ques, Direct Address & Yes or No Responses
Find and use commas to set off dialogue, in tag questions, for direct address, and for yes-and-no responses.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Meet the Comma
Commas separate parts of sentences from each other, and they do so in many different ways.