Ohio History Central
Ohio History Central: Treaty of Greenville
Transcript of the conditions of the Treaty of Greenville. Links to significant names.
Us Internet: Mischecanocquah/meshekinoquah (Little Turtle)
This article begins with brief biographical data, but most of it is an address Little Turtle made to President Thomas Jefferson and Henry Dearborn regarding the American government's failure to live up to the conditions of the Treaty of...
Library of Congress
Loc: Arthur st.clair (1736 1818)
A brief description of the military career of Arthur St.Clair, including his roles in the American Revolution and against the Indians in the Northwest Territory.
Ohio History Central
Ohio History Central: Harmar's Defeat
A history of the defeat of an American Army led by General Josiah Harmar in 1790 against the Delaware, Miami and Shawnee Indians near Fort Wayne in Indiana. Involved were men, both white and Indian, who fought in the Northwest struggles.
Ohio History Central
Ohio History Central: Battle of Fallen Timbers
This site presents the background and a brief description of the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
New Advent
Catholic Encyclopedia: Miami Indians
This Catholic Encyclopedia article gives a very detailed history of the effort to covert the Miami Indians to Catholicism, as well insights into their character. Please note that ?The Catholic Encyclopedia? is a historic reference source...