US National Archives
Our Documents: 100 Milestone Documents
A collection of one hundred documents that are significant in shaping the history of the United States, beginning with the Lee Resolution of June 7, 1776, and ending with the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
US National Archives
Our Documents:president Jackson's Message to Congress 'On Indian Removal' (1830)
On December 6, 1830, President Jackson spoke to Congress about his position on relocating Indians in order to make way for settlers in the west. This paved the way for government policy in dealing with native peoples even after his...
US National Archives
Nara: Declaration of Independence
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) provides an extensive overview of the Declaration of Independence. View the actual document, explore the history of the document as well as it's "stylistic artistry," and much more.
US National Archives
Nara: The Emancipation Proclamation
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) provides an elaborate overview of Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. Content includes detailed background information behind the document, photos of the original...
US National Archives
Nara: Charters of Freedom: Constitution of the United States
The complete text of the U.S. Constitution as adopted by the U.S. Congress on September 17, 1787, with information about changes made.
US National Archives
Nara: The Marshall Plan
This National Archives and Records Administration site contains a brief definition of the Plan and has a picture of Marshall. There also are links to a couple pages of the Economic Cooperation Act.
US National Archives
Nara: The North Atlantic Treaty
Information about the North Atlantic Treaty. Scanned pages of the document's preamble and signature page in both English and French. Links to the full text and information about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
US National Archives
Nara: Declaration of Independence Stylistic Artistry
On this National Archives and Records Administration web site, Stephen E. Lucas describes how the Declaration of Independence is a persuasive piece of literature. Lucus goes into details of the Declaration of Independence studying, at...
US National Archives
Nara: The Treaty of Kanagawa
Information about,and a scanned copy of, the Treaty of Kanagawa between the United States and Japan.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library & Museum
Everything you wanted to know and more about Harry S. Truman, from biographical information to love letters.
US National Archives
National Archives Experience: Digital Vaults
Unlock the digital vault in the U.S. National Archives' collections. Once inside this portal, use visual resources to make archival connections, view related teacher resources, or simply follow the interconnected pathways of historical...
Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Web Japan: Japan Atlas
Learn about Japan's historic sites, natural beauty, culture and contemporary society. Search by topic or by region in Japan. You can watch slide shows about major Japanese cities or take virtual tours of historic sites like the Shurijo...
US National Archives
Our Documents: Official Program for March on Washington(1963)
Contains a copy of the original program for the March on Washington that featured Martin Luther King. Provides a summary of the civil rights movement at that time.
US National Archives
Nara: The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire
The National Archives and Records Administration sheds new light on the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake through this site's use of primary source documents. A series of handwritten and typed documents are provided that look at the...
US National Archives
Nara: American Originals: 54th Regiment Casualty List
An interesting webpage in that it contains a brief summary of the history of the Regiment as well as the Casualty List from the assault on Fort Wagner and two historic photos.
US National Archives
Nara: Charters of Freedom: The Bill of Rights
This site contains a complete transcription of The Bill of Rights, along with zoomable graphics of the original handwritten text. It also includes information about the historical context of the document, links to more constitutional...
US National Archives
Nara: Founding Fathers: Delegates to the Constitutional Convention
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) provides biographies of all 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention.
US National Archives
Nara: Charters of Freedom: The Constitution: Amendments 11 27
Check here to read the three amendments passed during the Progressive Era, the 16th, 17th, & 18th amendments. From the National Archives and Records Administration.
US National Archives
Nara: Apollo 11 Flight Plan
Read the minute-by-minute flight plan of Apollo 11. Links to other information about Apollo 11.
US National Archives
Nara: Teaching With Documents: The Homestead Act of 1862
A lesson plan about the Homestead Act of 1862 with much background information about previous land grants made by the U.S. government,
US National Archives
Nara: Teaching With Documents: Petition From Susan B. Anthony to u.s. Congress
See Anthony's 1874 petition to Congress in complaint against her arrest and fine for having voted in an 1872 election. From the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
US National Archives
Nara: Treasures of Congress: Progressive Reform Votes for Women
Check out this wonderful interactive site from the National Archives and Records Administration, to learn about the women's suffrage movement during the Progressive Era. See photos and primary documents related to the topic (click to...
US National Archives
Nara: Jfk Assassination Records Collection
This National Archives and Records Administration government website that provides an extensive collection of quality documents and information regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
US National Archives
Nara: Teaching With Documents: Black Soldiers in the Civil War
This comprehensive site from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) describes the history of the participation of colored troops in the Civil War and government efforts to research and compile records about them....