Read Write Think: Classroom Resources: Lesson Plans
Literacy lesson plans, mini-lessons, or units searchable by grade level, objective, or theme.
Read Write Think: Discovering a Passion for Poetry W/ Langston Hughes
After analyzing examples of contemporary youth poetry as well as the poetry of Langston Hughes, students will use the Internet to conduct research on how events in the world have shaped Hughes' work. They will cite specific examples that...
Virginia Tech
The Alan Review
"The ALAN Review" is a journal of articles related to adolescent literature. Some articles are critiques of books; others are rationales for teaching adolescent literature, or certain kinds of adolescent literature. Archived issues from...
Read Write Think: Analyzing Famous Speeches as Arguments
This multi-session lesson plan features the opportunity to analyze a variety of famous speeches. Students will look carefully at tone, rhetoric, propaganda techniques, and historical context as they write an analysis paper....
Read Write Think: Literature Circles Getting Started
Contains plans for nine lessons to help teachers start using literature circles in the classroom, including detailed explanations of all the roles and procedures. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains...
Read Write Think: Choosing Clear and Varied Dialogue Tags: A Minilesson
Contains plans for one 50-minute instructional activity that teaches about using dialogue tags like "he said" or "she answered." In addition to student objectives and standards, these instructional plans contain links to PDF handouts and...
National Council of Teachers of English: Teaching With Blogs
Reading and writing texts online are basic skills that students need to be literate citizens in today's world. Teaching with blogs provides the opportunity to engage students in both of these literacy activities, and the strategy has the...
Read Write Think: Blogging With Photovoice: Sharing Pictures in Integrated Class
Photovoice is a technique that has participants take photos in response to a prompt, reflect on the meaning behind three of their photos, and share the photos to find common themes. It is an ideal strategy for all forms of classrooms,...
Ncte: "Can We Blog About This?": Amplifying Student Voice in Secondary Language
This article describes blogging implementation in ninth-grade pre-advanced placement language arts classes to support strong writing practices. The author found that blogging empowered high school authors to craft worlds of digital...
Read Write Think: The Statue of Anne
A short activity centered around "Copyright Awareness Week." A good resource for teachers who are looking for manageable ways to teach the ethics and laws concerning copyrighting and plagiarism.
Read Write Think: Double Entry Journal
A printable double-entry journal page along with directions on how to use this type of graphic organize, as well as lists of teaching ideas and related resources.
Read Write Think: Essay Map
A fillable essay map in PDF format with boxes for an introduction, main ideas, supporting details, and a conclusion. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organizer as well as lists of teaching ideas and related resources are...
Read Write Think: Essay Rubric
A printable four-point rubric to use when evaluating essays for focus/details, organization, voice, word choice, and usage/mechanics. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organize as well as lists of teaching ideas are also...
Read Write Think: Exit Slips
A printable exit slip to use with any topic. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organize as well as lists of teaching ideas and related resources are also provided.
Read Write Think: Haiku Starter
A printable, two-page graphic organizer to help students brainstorm ideas and write a rough draft of a haiku. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organize as well as lists of teaching ideas and related resources are also provided.
Read Write Think: I Chart
A printable inquiry chart designed to help students ask questions and collect information from various texts when conducting research on any topic. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organizer as well as lists of teaching...
Read Write Think: I Search Chart
A printable inquiry search graphic organizer to help students organize questions and sub questions while working through the research process. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organize as well as lists of teaching ideas and...
Read Write Think: K W L S Chart
A printable K-W-L-S sheet to help students activate prior knowledge, ask questions, record new learning, and then ask additional questions to extend inquiry beyond the text . Directions on how to use this type of graphic organize as well...
Read Write Think: Making Connections
A printable graphic organizer for students to use when making text to self, text, and world connections while reading a text. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organize as well as lists of teaching ideas and related resources...
Read Write Think: Narrative Pyramid
A printable narrative pyramid where students can record information about a story including the character, setting, problem, main events, and solution. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organize as well as lists of teaching...
Read Write Think: Nonfiction Pyramid
A printable pyramid for use with nonfiction texts while students identify the main ideas and supporting details within a text. Students also determine author's purpose and key vocabulary words. Directions on how to use this type of...
Read Write Think: Persuasion Rubric
A printable four-point rubric to use when assessing a persuasive piece with a focus on organization, a goal or thesis, reasons/support, audience, word choice, visuals/delivery, and grammar/usage/mechanics. Directions on how to use this...
Read Write Think: Power Notes
A printable note-taking format where students create an outline by assigning powers to the main idea and supporting details. Directions on how to use this type of rubric as well as lists of teaching ideas and related resources are also...
Read Write Think: Power Point Tool Tips
Printable directions on how to work within PowerPoint to do things like change the template, change slide colors, add and manipulate clip art, add animations, set transitions between slides, and change text on action buttons. Directions...