World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Ammon
Encyclopedia entry provides the history of Ammon in ancient Egypt.
Archaeological Legacy Institute: Archaeology Channel: Video Buffet
This site has a large collection of free videos featuring various archaeology sites all over the world.
Roman Gods
This is an awesome site to research Roman gods. Find out about these Roman icons. This site lists each of the gods and then by clicking on the name you get more in depth information.
Roman Religion and Burial Practices
Details from the Sussex Archaeological Society about Roman religious practices: Roman gods, what Romans were like, and how the Romans buried their dead.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Agni
Encyclopedia entry with illustrations on the Hindi god of fire, Agni. Site provides a brief overview and definittion of Agni.
Greek Mythology Today and Myth of the Month
A large Greek mythology site focused on students and expressing a great love of Greek myth. Contains the Myth of the Month, as well as Homework Help concerning myths. Humorous and colorful.