Curated OER
Comparing Fractions (E)
In this comparing fractions practice worksheet, 5th graders use an inequality sign or an equal sign as they compare 10 pairs of fractions.
Curated OER
Comparing Fractions (C)
In this comparing fractions practice worksheet, 5th graders use an inequality sign or an equal sign as they compare 10 pairs of fractions.
Curated OER
Comparing Fractions (D)
In this comparing fractions practice worksheet, 5th graders use an inequality sign or an equal sign as they compare 10 pairs of fractions.
Curated OER
Greater Than, Less Than 20
Learners compare number sets. They study each number pair then compare them using the greater than, less than, or equals symbols. There are 10 problems to solve.
Curated OER
Comparing Numbers to 100
Have your budding math analysts compare numbers up to 100. Here are 2 worksheets that each include 60 problems where learners use the appropriate symbol to determine which number is greater than, less than, or equal. An answer key for...
Curated OER
All Kinds of Numbers
Count and compare numbers and fractions using "greater than" and "less than." Learners count on by 2s and 10s and represent the end number with base ten blocks, counters, and cups. They use circle stickers to illustrate fractions and...
Curated OER
Use Estimation to Compare Numbers
"Take a walk" with this worksheet and estimate how many birds, ants, turtles, flowers and children getting on a bus that you see. Based on the size of a single set of 10 objects, learners estimate how many are in the whole group. They...
Curated OER
Compare Numbers to 100: Interactive Online Practice
Offer your little math scholars exhaustive practice comparing numbers (to 100) and using greater than, less than, and equal to symbols. An interactive online resource provides instant feedback. And you get a second chance when your...
Curated OER
Equal or Not Equal
Tiny mathematicians count the number of shapes (up to 8) in pairs of object groups and identify the sets as equal or not equal. Five practice problems. They also draw 2 groups of shapes that are not equal. A focused tool that...
Curated OER
Greater Than, Less Than, and Equal To
In this comparing numbers worksheet, students examine 20 pairs of 1 and 2 digit numbers. Students identify whether the first number in each pair is greater than, less than, or equal to the second number.
Curated OER
Mayor Que, Menor Que
While only a simple presentation about the concept of less than and greater than, it could be used in a classroom with Spanish speakers to present this topic. Within the series of slides, the idea of less than and greater than is...
Curated OER
Comparing Two Digit Numbers Using Symbols
Second graders compare two digit numbers. In this comparing numbers lesson, 2nd graders discover greater than and less than symbols. Students read Five Little Monkeys Sitting In A Tree and use the story as a model for comparing numbers....
Curated OER
Arranging Numbers in order up to 1,000
Third graders arrange numbers up to 1,000. In this arranging numbers lesson plan, 3rd graders play a game to try and build the biggest number they can using number tiles. Students work in groups to draw number tiles from a jar and...
Curated OER
Comparing/Ordering Numbers
Third graders compare numbers. In this math lesson students compare ones, tens, and hundreds. They also order numbers from least to greatest and from greatest to least.
Fuel the Brain
Comparing Numbers; Joining with No Regrouping
Your learners will know how solve word problems based on using coins. This skill will be important for the future so they can compare different coin values and how they add up, as well as how to join without regrouping.
Curated OER
Comparing Numbers; Same/Equal; Counting
This worksheet will help visual learners in how to compare numbers. By having candy images on the worksheet itself, your class will enjoy counting and trying to solve the subsequent word problems.
Curated OER
Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal to #1, #2, #3, #4
In these four comparing numbers instructional activity, students determine if the pair of numbers are greater than, less than, or equal to and use fill in the blank with the correct symbol. Students solve 120 problems.
Curated OER
Compare and Order Whole Numbers
For this compare and order whole numbers worksheet, students sharpen their problem solving skills as they solve 6 story problems.
Curated OER
Zombie Board Game
In this comparing numbers worksheet, learners play a gamer where they roll dice and compare the numbers in the box they land on. Students complete 34 problems.
Curated OER
In this comparing number worksheet, students solve 12 problems in which two 3 digit numbers are compared with the correct sign: <, >, or =.
Curated OER
Comparing Numbers
In this comparing numbers worksheet, students circle the symbol and the text that makes each comparison correct between 2 digit numbers. Students complete 18 problems.
Curated OER
Comparing Three Digit Numbers
In this comparing numbers activity, students solve 12 problems in which two 3 digit numbers are compared. Students mark the correct answer: is greater than, is equal to, is less than.
Curated OER
In this comparing numbers worksheet, students solve 12 problems in which two numbers below 10 are compared. Students mark whether the answer is greater than, equal to, or less than.
Curated OER
Ordering Numbers
In this comparing numbers worksheet, students solve 10 problems in which numbers are put in order according to directions. Included are decimal numbers, fractions, and exponents.