Oh Deptartment of Natural Resources: Ohio's Trees
A listing of all Ohio's trees complete with a description and picture. List is alphabetical from Alder to Willow. Be sure to click on "Big Trees," for statistics and pictures of the biggest trees in Ohio.
What Tree Is It?
You've climbed this tree, sat in its branches and collected its leaves. Now you are old enough to know that it has a name. How can you tell what kind it is? Here are some ways to check: by leaf, by fruit, or just by the way it looks.
Bbc: Cbbc Newsround Guides: Volcanoes
Learn about the cause, types, and effects of volcanoes in this guide.
US Geological Survey
Usgs: Volcanic Hazards, Features, and Phenomena
Site from the U.S. Geological Survey provides a brief list of volcano terminology including descriptions as well as links to major menus.
Dcnr: Common Trees of Pennsylvania [Pdf]
A list of common trees in Pennsylvania, as well as specific information on each tree.
Ohio Public Library: What Tree Is It?
An online resource for tree identification by common name, scientific name, leaf, or fruit.
Pbs Teachers: Scientific American: Science Italian Style: Eruption!
Research Mt. Vesuvius and scientists' preparations for a future eruption. Produce a television program about volcanoes for middle school students as part of a public information campaign to inform citizens of Washington State about Mount...
British Trees
Offers information about trees that are native to Britain. It gives a tree guide, with common and Latin names, and it has pictures of each of the trees and seeds. It also offers links to other sites about vegetation in Enlgland.
Class Flow: Volcanoes
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson students are given a brief description of a volcano and asked to identify the parts of the volcano.