Grammar Check
Grammar Check: 15 Shocking Student Writing Fails (Infographic)
This infographic is provided to help alert students about common writing mistakes. The following types of errors are discussed: commas, verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, apostrophes, pronouns, and prepositions.
Grammar Check
Grammar Check: A Wordly Mistake: Top 20 Grammar Mistakes (Infographic)
This infographic is provided to help students with proofreading. Issues related to word choices are featured, along with ways to correct each problem.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Unclear Pronoun References
A screencast lesson [4 mins, 18 secs] explaining unclear, ambiguous, vague, and indefinite pronouns as well as how to avoid them while writing.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Pronoun Vagueness
Help clarify the sentence by keeping or changing existing pronouns.