Curated OER
Meet the Plants
Are you looking for a PowerPoint that identifies and explains the job each plant part performs? Perhaps you've found it! Examples of different types of plants, as well as common household items derived from plants are included. The text...
Curated OER
The Tree Detective - Basic Dendrology
Students identify tree species by their leaf characteristics. In this dendrology lesson, students learn leaf vocabulary and collect leaves. They identify the leaves using the leaf characteristics and the vocabulary that they learned.
Curated OER
In this taiga activity, students read a short article describing what a taiga is and then answer 10 multiple choice, true or false or short answer questions relating to the article.
Curated OER
In this plants worksheet, students review the alternation of generations in plants and the function of seeds and flowers for plants. This worksheet has 11 short answer questions and 4 fill in the blank questions.
Curated OER
Dichotomous Key for Identifying Pine Trees
Middle schoolers identify the species of pine trees that are found in their area. They use unlabeled "mystery" samples and a dichotomous key to identify the pine trees to species. After identification, they use a field guide to answer...
Curated OER
Tree Identification
In this tree identification worksheet, students collect samples from different trees and identify them using the deciduous tree guide or the conifer key.
Curated OER
Evergreen Trees & Softwood
In this earth science worksheet, students identify and locate various vocabulary terms pertaining to evergreen trees and other softwood trees. There are 26 earth science terms located in the word search.
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech Horticulture Garden
This site provides information on the Virginia Tech Horticulture Garden located in Blacksburg. If you click on the link "Photographs" you will see how two different gardens were constructed. Click on "What's Blooming" and get a beautiful...
Wikipedia: General Sherman Tree
This ancient Sequoia tree is the largest known living single stem tree on Earth. Find out more facts about this tree, including how it got its name.
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Botany: White Fir
Article on white fir tree. Covers ways it is used by humans, distribution, physical features, habitat, and forest management. (Published: October 6, 2009)
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Botany: Pine
Article on pine tree. Covers classification, physical features, ecology, and ways pine is used by humans. (Published: May 31, 2012)
Coillte: Module 3: Learn About Trees [Pdf]
Print and complete the activities and experiments in this 22-page handout to learn more about how a tree lives, seeds and planting them, types of trees, and trees and wildlife.
Missouri Botanical Garden
Missouri Botanical Garden: The Taiga Biome
This resource offers a detailed overview of the taiga biome, including its locations, the types of plants and animals that live there, and other interesting facts.
Curated OER
National Park Service: The General Sherman Tree
Learn facts about General Sherman, an ancient Sequoia tree that is also the largest tree on Earth.
Read Works
Read Works: Secrets of Survival: The Ancient Utah Juniper by Mimi Jorling
[Free Registration/Login Required] This passage explains how the Utah Juniper has adapted to the harsh desert climate and maintain an average lifespan of 400-750 years. It is followed by a comprehension question set.
Glossopedia: Temperate Forest
Temperate forests cover much of the Earth. Temperate forest ecology is described as well as the importance to all animal and plant health. Human impact on temperate forests around the world is discussed.
San Diego Zoo Global
San Diego Zoo: Trees
Comprehensive overview of trees features facts on structure, leaves, species, characteristics, reproduction, and conservation.
Biology 4 kids
Biology4 Kids: Quiz: Gymnosperms
Take this ten-question review quiz over gymnosperm plants. Read more about each question after an incorrect answer is given.
University of California
Ucmp: The Pleistocene
The UCMP Berkeley provides a brief overview of the Pleistocene Era, including links to more information.
University of California
Ucmp: Systematics
Scientific descriptions of conifer families. Diagrams, examples, structural features, and history.
Environmental Education for Kids
Eek!: Dichotomous Tree Key
Identify a tree using this interactive identification tool.
Missouri Botanical Garden
Missouri Botanical Garden: Taiga Plants
At this site from the Missouri Botanical Garden, you can learn about conifers, needles and the taiga in the fall. Click on the pictures to view a larger version.
Ohio State University
Ohio State Univ.: Gymnosperms (Conifers & Relatives)
A review of conifer biology. Illustrations are great and help clarify the text, which can get a bit advanced for a general audience. A great resource for exam review.
Ohio State University
Ohio State University: Anthophyta, Evolution & Diversity
An online summary of the evolution of flowering plants at an advanced level. The text is supported by good illustrations and is followed by a quiz. This is a good review for exams.