Wells Fargo Bank: Hands on Banking for Kids
Mini learning modules that teach kids about money and its worth. Students also learn how to set financial goals during these interactive activities.
Wells Fargo Bank: Hands on Banking for Teens
Mini learning modules that teach teens how to manage their money wisely and reach their financial goals.
Wells Fargo Bank: Financial Information for Young Adults
Mini learning modules that teach young adults how to manage money wisely and reach their financial goals.
The Central Bank of Chile (El Banco Central De Chile)
The official website of the Central Bank of Chile contains information about the general and specific economy of Chile. Also, it contains photos of the various currency denominations used in Chile.
Bank site.com: Dollar the Dragon
A complete guide to banking from BankSite.com, teaching you about banks, checks, savings, and more.
Cornell University
Cornell University: Law School: Banking
Resource gives an overview of banking, specifically banking law and regulation.
Marxists Internet Archive
Marxists Internet Archive: Vladimir Lenin's Theses on Banking Policy
This site from the Marxists Internet Archive contains the text to a thesis prepared by Vladimir Lenin on Russia's banking policy, from 1918.
Bank Rate: Anatomy of a Check
Explains checks: definition, physical characteristics, checking terminology, what makes it valid or unvalid, fraud, etc. It also offers links to more information about banking.
Class Flow: Budgets: Don't Go Broke
[Free Registration/Login Required] Using this flipchart, students will learn budgeting, reading a pay stub, understanding payroll deductions, PYF, and how to utilize a bank or credit union.
Class Flow: Decimals Cents
[Free Registration/Login Required] During this lesson students will learn the relationship between decimals and money. They will use banking terminology to add and subtract dollar and cent amounts in a checkbook-like situation.
Institute for Policy Studies
Foreign Policy in Focus: Export Import Bank
This article covers the functions of the EXIM Bank, "an independent U.S. government agency established in 1934 to create jobs through exports." (Volume 4, Number 18, July 1999)
Financial Pipeline: Interest Compounding
This page gives a summary of compounding interest and distinguishes it from simple interest.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: What Is Economy?
Overview of economics with an emphasis on basic economic terms and concepts.