Career Cornerstone Center
Sloan Career Cornerstone Center: Career as Biologist
A career as a Biologist is profiled.Included: Biologist overview, Preparation, Day In The Life, Earnings, Employment, Career Path Forecast, Professional Organizations.
Pbs: Rough Science
Website companion to PBS show, "Rough Science," in which five scientists use their collective expertise to complete a series of tasks. Follow the scientists as they do things like generate electricity, make soap, make antibacterial...
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Winners 2008 1901
A list of the Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine (updated yearly). Click on the names for more information.
American Zoo and Aquarium Association: Jobs
Listings of jobs available in different zoos and aquariums in America, including veterinary positions.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Career Profile: Biochemist
Science Buddies offers a career description of a biochemist. If you have an interest in both biology and chemistry, this might be a good fit for you. Read the "On the Job" section to find out all the different things a biochemist does....
Climate Literacy
Clean: Exploring Green Jobs
Using an online tool, students learn about what green jobs might suit their personal styles. Then they look at different Green Jobs to explore possible careers.
Biology 4 kids
Biology4 Kids: Life Science Careers
This short summary explores a few careers in the life science area.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Agnes Arber
This short biography about Agnes Arber describes her contributions to botanical science.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: Ian Harrison, Ichthyologist, O Logy Card
This OLogy card introduces you to ichthyologist Ian Harrison, a researcher for the American Museum of Natural history. Learn what led to Ian's interest in fish and what it is like to be a working scientist.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: O Logy: Around the World With Dna
Pack your bags and go around the world with scientists from the American Museum of Natural History whose research into the DNA of different animal species takes them into the field.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: Fields in the Life Sciences
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] The life sciences are the study of living organisms. They deal with every aspect of living organisms, from the biology of cells to the biology of individual...
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: Conservation Biologist Eleanor Sterling
Interview with conservationist Eleanor Sterling provides insights into her research interests, her career preparation, and advice for kids interested in doing field investigations in biology.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Life Sciences Quiz
Take an interactive, multiple choice quiz over life science careers. After completing the quiz, check your score, and then revisit any incorrect question for further review.
Science & Plants for Schools
Science & Plants for Schools: Careers in Biology & Plant Sciences
A website detailing career path for students who are interested in plant sciences.
Biology Wise: Different Branches of Biology
Provides descriptions of many different branches in the field of biology.
Pbs Learning Media: La'ona De Wilde: Environmental Biologist
In this video profile produced for Teachers' Domain, meet La'ona DeWilde, an environmental biologist who integrates her Athabascan heritage and her Western scientific training to help remote Alaskan villages address environmental issues.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: O Logy: Saving Species
Learn why fieldwork is an important component of any scientist's career, especially among those who are actively working to preserve the Earth's biodiversity. Three American Museum of Natural History biologists tell you about their...
Pbs Teachers: Real Scientists: Food Scientist
Explore why plants can be healthy food sources. Learn how a food scientist assesses the nutritional value of Green Giant vegetables.