Curated OER
Rgilm 1 Word Search
In this history instructional activity, learners locate and identify various vocabulary terms/phrases related to US history. There are seven words located in the puzzle.
Social Studies Help Center
Social Studies Help Center: Urban Political Leaders: 1800s Early 1900s
Gives a description of political machines and their three parts that make up the machines. Also discusses what these political machines did and talks of their decline in the 20th century.
University of Houston
University of Houston: Engines of Our Ingenuity: Thomas Nast
Thomas Nast was the first influential American political cartoonist. Read about his transformation from an illustrator of the Civil War to one who took on Boss Tweed and the corruption of Tammany Hall.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Corruption Runs Wild
Government in the Gilded Age was often corrupt, tainted with money from various groups. Read about the role of political machines in many city governments, in particular Tammany Hall in New York City.
Harp Week
Harp Week: John Kelly
A very interesting biography of John Kelly, a man groomed by Boss Tweed, but one who worked to make New York government respectable after Tweed's death.
Class Flow: Political Machine and Cartoons
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart covers the background of Boss Tweed, Thomas Nast, and the requirements of political cartoons.
Thomas Nast: The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Within the article about the President's impeachment is this brief article about cartoonist Thomas Nast, who started as a cartoonist during the Civil War, but saw his greatest influence in the take-down of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall.