American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: O Logy: Meet the Astronomer: Neil Tyson
Interview with astronomer Neil de Grasse Tyson provides insights into his research interests, his career preparation, and a range of astronomy-related topics.
Life Science Career Alliance: Explore Your Future
Exploration of careers in different areas of the sciences. With videos, a career-traits matching interactive, and related resources for thinking about and planning a future in science.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Types of Scientists and Their Area of Expertise
Learn about the different types of careers one can have as a scientist, whether you are interested in working with plants, animals, astronomy, computers, or microscopic organisms. The choices are limitless.
Science Struck
Science Struck: The Different Branches of Chemistry
Provides descriptions of the many different areas that can be focused on within the subject of chemistry.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Quiz: What Are Disciplines?
Test your knowledge on different disciplines and how they are distinguished from one another based on the questions scholars ask, and the methods by which they gather and analyze data.
National Institutes of Health
Niehs: What Is Science and Who Are Scientists?
Learn what science is and what scientists do. Scientists are named for what they study; discover some of the more common branches of science.
California Occupational Guides: Microbiologists
A formal description of the duties of a microbiologist. Also provides information regarding working conditions, wages, job outlook, and sources for additional information.