Green Party of Canada/parti Vert Du Canada, Gpc/pvc
Increasingly the Green Party has been successful in democratic politics in Canada. The Greens are a party that has comparable parties in Europe and the United States. The party is primarily interested in maintaining sustainable...
Planet Ark: Cheap Air Travel Adding to Global Warming
Interesting presentation of information to suggest that cheap airline prices are causing more people to fly, resulting in more jet fuel burning which pollutes the environment. Use this site to obtain a new perspective on the effects of...
Bbc: Bush Rejects Kyoto Style G8 Deal
An article from the British point of view regarding Bush rejecting an environmental plan in 2005. Global warming is the main issue in this article. There is an interactive and animated guide of global warming on this page. Very cool!
Pbs: Nova: Dimming the Sun
An online presentation of NOVA's program Dimming the Sun. You can read a transcript of the show, read an essay on the effect of contrails on global warming, and view slideshows tracing a timeline of climate change and new technologies...
Cape Farewell Arctic Voyage
Cape Farewell is an organization dedicated to the study of the ocean's role in regulating global temperature and its relationship to climate change and global warming. Each year a trek is made in order to study these climate changes....
World Wildlife Fund for Nature
Wwf: Climate Change
The World Wildlife Fund is an environmental organization that spans the globe. This website looks at the organization's efforts and education on climate change and global warming issues. Students can get involved with tracking particular...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Chemistry: Environmental Problems Associated With Fossil Fuel Use
Dig into the trouble caused when humans burn too many fossil fuels. Recognize problems and address possible reform to slow down global warming.
Carbon Footprint: Climate Change
Learn why the overall climate is changing due to global warming. Also, see what will happen if humans do nothing to stop this from happening.
Hartford Web Publishing
World History Archives: Arctic Climate Changing Rapidly
This article from the Environmental News Service gives evidence of global warming in the Arctic region.
Next: Climate
Complete these three activities to learn about climate, severe weather, and global warming. Includes links to explore related material.
American Institute of Biological Sciences
Action Bioscience: Climate Change Threatens Penguins
More than half of the species of penguins are feeling the affects of global warming. Understand the impact of this climate change while reading this article and exploring the resources provided. Teacher resources available for students...
University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: Hot Water Battle
Have you noticed your winter weather changing each year? Both global warming and El Nino are most likely the cause. Read here about these two major ingredients changing the world around us.
Clean Japan Center: Recycling
Japanese content for elementary students. Helps younger children explore environmental issues. Topics include recyling, ozone destruction, global warming, and stewardship of natural resources. Good illustrations. Also includes reading...
Libcom: Climate, Class, and the Neolithic Revolution
This is the first in a series of articles about food under global warming. This article takes a long view of the relationship between climate, agriculture, and class society.
Humans are having a negative effect on the ecology of Antarctica. Get the facts on krill harvesting, global warming, and ozone depletion.
California Air Resources Board: The Greenhouse Effect and California [Pdf]
This article has a brief summary of the causes and possible consequences of the greenhouse effect and global warming. In particular, the effects of the potential climate change in California are highlighted.
US Geological Survey
U.s. Geological Survey: Repeat Photography Project
The Repeat Photography Project pairs historic images with contemporary photos thus documenting glacial decline through photography while communicating the effects of global warming.
Teach Engineering: It's Really Heating Up in Here!
Students create and observe a greenhouse effect model and discuss the implications of global warming theory for engineers, themselves and the Earth.
Teach Engineering: Pollution Politics
Students learn how a bill becomes law in the U.S. Congress and research legislation related to global warming.
Read Works
Read Works: The Vortex
[Free Registration/Login Required] A literary text about a boy named Jamal who learns about how global warming can create colder weather in the winter because of the polar vortex. A question sheet is available to help students build...
Read Works
Read Works: The Heat Is On
[Free Registration/Login Required] This passage gives information about global warming and its threat to the polar bears in the Arctic. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces essential reading skills and...
Read Works
Read Works: Watching the Weather
[Free Registration/Login Required] This informational text passage talks about weather indications of global warming. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces essential reading skills and strategies and establishes...
Read Works
Read Works: Who Owns the Arctic?
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the North Pole, the countries that want to claim it, and the effects of global warming. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Biology Pages
Kimball's Biology Pages: The Carbon Cycle
Useful introduction to the carbon cycle with a diagram and a discussion of the effects of carbon dioxide on the greenhouse effect and global warming.
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