New York Times
New York Times: Health
[Free Registration/Login Required] The New York Times maintains daily coverage of the latest in health news, including children's health, fitness, the health care policy, and more.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: How Is Depression Diagnosed?
Lists three assessments used to diagnose depression with links to more information.
Web Md: Depression Guide
This site from WebMD Health provides great information on depression. Includes a section on the facts of depression, types of depression, causes, diagnosis, treatment options, care giving, and different populations information.
Healthline Media
Medical News Today: What Is Schizophrenia?
This article is full of useful information regarding schizophrenia which is a type of mental disorder. Discussion includes what it is, the causes, the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. Features a related video. [9:26]
Collin College:general Psychology: Abnormal Behavior and Psychological Disorders
Explains the many different categories of abnormal behavior, and the subcategories in each group.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: How Does Depression Develop?
This page contains short descriptions of the causes of depression. There is a link to more information for each cause.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Psychologists
All the information you would need to decide if becoming a Psychologist is the right occupation for you. Employment is expected to grow faster than average.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institute on Drug Abuse: Brain Power! The Nida Junior Scientist Program
This program uses scientific techniques to examine how drugs effect the brain. Its ultimate goal is to present students with the negative effects of substance abuse and show the benefits of staying substance free. Each of the lessons...
Curated OER
Kids Health: Migraines: What a Pain
All of us have had a headache at some point. A migraine is a very severe headache. They don't happen every day, but they are common among kids and adults. Use this site to learn more about headaches, migraines especially and learn what...
Curated OER
Kids Health: Why Am I So Sad
Feeling sad is something that everyone has to deal with. Some people feel sad more often than others, some people feel it more intensely than others. There are ways to get over sadness, but it is a natural feeling that you cannot escape...
Curated OER
Kids Health: Cellulitis
Cellulitis is an infection of the skin. It occurs most in places where the skin has been broken by a scrape or a bug bite. Read more about cellulitis, how it is treated, and how to avoid getting cellulitis.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Bipolar Disorder
Thorough overview of bipolar disorder. Includes information on symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and much more.
American Movie Classics Company
The Film Site: Drama Films
This resource provides information about drama films.
Pbs News Hour: Rothko's Legacy
Transcript of NewsHour's Paul Solman interviewing the art historian and Rothko biographer, Dore Ashton. Provides insight into the life and work of abstract expressionist Mark Rothko. Interview dated August 5, 1998.
Sada: Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder
This site describes three types of treatment for this disorder. These treatments are light therapy, anti-depressant drugs and psycho therapy.
Sada: Symptoms of Sad
This site describes the symptoms of SAD, when they usually begin and end, and the typical onset of SAD.
British Library
British Library: 20th Century Teaching Resources: Sylvia Plath's the Bell Jar
These activities will provide students with an introduction to Plath that will inform their study of "The Bell Jar". They will examine the perspectives offered by two of Plath's short autobiographical prose pieces, and will also explore...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Diagnosing Depression
An overview of how clinicians diagnose depression by using the dsm-5, a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)causes, physical and mental symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment are discussed.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction
Substance use disorders are a class of psychological disorder in which a person continues to use a substance, despite having significant health, social, and other negative consequences as a result of their substance use.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Psychoactive Drugs: Stimulants
An overview of stimulants and their effects on the body.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Overview of Psychoactive Drugs
An overview of psychoactive drugs: depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and opiates.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Psychoactive Drugs: Hallucinogens
An overview of hallucinogens and their effect on the human body when used medically and abused.