Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder
In order to qualify for a bipolar disorder one must have at least three of the symptoms explored in this video.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Introduction to Psychology Depression and Bipolar Disorder
An explanation of bipolar1 and bipolar2 disorders and their relationship to mania.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Introduction to Psychology Depression and Major Depressive Disorder
Factors involved in depression including biological, psychological, socio-cultural or environmental as well as genetic components (5-htt LPR) are examined.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Is Depression?
An overview of depression including symptoms, causes, treatment, and brain functions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Risk Factors for Bipolar Disorder
Examined are factors that increase the risks of bipolar disorder: psychological, environmental, genetic, neuro chemical, and difference in brain structure and function.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Types of Depression and Bipolar Disorder in the Dsm5
A description of the various types of depression and bipolar disorder including bipolar1 and bipolar2 that occur in adults and children.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Treatments for Bipolar Disorder
Medication and psychological interventions are discussed for treating bipolar disorder.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Treatment for Depression Psychological Therapies
An overview of psychological therapies for depression are examined: psychological, behavioral, psychodynamic, interpersonal, cognitive, and cognitive-behavioral.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Treating Depression With Antidepressants
A discussion of the three classes of antidepressants: MAOI's, TCA's, and SSRI's used to treat depression.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Biological Basis of Depression
Major depressive disorder is a major cause of distress disability and death from suicide. This video examines the brain and its connection to depression.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Panic Disorder
An explanation of panic attacks and panic disorder including symptoms, development of panic disorder, and treatment (cognitive behavior therapy and medications).
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Phobias
A description of various phobias including symptoms, development of phobias, diagnosis, and treatment.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Are Anxiety Disorders?
Understanding anxiety disorders by understanding the three responses to perceived threats: fear, anxiety, and panic. Also discussed are social anxiety disorder, causes and development of anxiety disorders, biological factors,...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Ocd)?
The article provides an overview of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) including a medical definition, symptoms, causes, and treatment.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
An explanation of the obsessions and compulsions as well as the causes and treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
An explanation of the obsessions and compulsions as well was the causes and treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
An overview of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) including examples, a medical definition and the effects on the body, the four main symptoms, causes, treatment, and statistics.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Schizophrenia Symptoms
Schizophrenia is considered a syndrome. The types and symptoms of schizophrenia are discussed in this video.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Psychosis
An overview of psychosis including types of delusions: delusions of reference, grandiose delusions, paranoid delusions, delusions of control, and erotomaniac. Also discussed are hallucinations, disorganized behavior, disorganized...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Are Psychotic Disorders?
An overview of psychotic disorders including chemical imbalance and symptoms. A Quick Guide to Diagnostic Criteria of Schizophrenia and A Quick Guide to Diagnostic Criteria of Schizoaffective Disorder are part of this article.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Delusional Disorder
An explanation of delusional disorder including symptoms, causes, treatment, and prognosis.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Schizotypal Personality Disorder
An explanation of Schizotypal personality disorder (STPD) including diagnosis, cause, and treatment.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Schizoaffective Disorder
An explanation of Schizoaffective disorder including the criteria needed to make the diagnosis, causes, and treatment.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Schizophrenia Treatment
An explanation of the treatment of schizophrenia as related to the stages of the disorder.