Curated OER
Mine Field
Pupils experience the loss of their sight and develop feelings for those less fortunate than them.
Curated OER
Ghostbuster Dribble
Students practice dribbling and passing fundamentals using the appropriate cues.
Curated OER
Scarf Tag
Students who are taggers, on the teacher's "GO" signal, try to tag students with scarves. If a student is tagged, the tagged student must give the tagger ONE scarf in order to resume play.
Curated OER
Soccer Scatter
Students practice dribbling the ball with his/her feet and passing to a partner.
Curated OER
Striking Balloons
Students strike balloons with different body parts (elbow, head, knee, wrist, shoulder, etc.) to practice their striking skills.
Curated OER
Everybody It
Students are in scattered formation within the playing area. The activity begins with all of students being "it". They move about the general space tagging various classmates while avoiding being tagged.
Curated OER
Fitness Tag
Students spread out in general space. Have 2/4 students be the taggers. On the teachers signal the activity starts with the taggers trying to tag the "runners". When taggeg, students then go to an area and perform an exercise.
Curated OER
Bumper Cars
Young scholars gain trust of fellow classmates. They practice cooperation and spacial awareness. They follow directions given to them by others.
Curated OER
Locomotor / Pathway Card Swap
Students follow instructions on index card with a locomotor skill and pathway written on it, then students follow the cones which mark the boundaries. When music stops switch index cards with another student and go agian.
Curated OER
Muscle Tag
Students get a yarn ball and find a good self space in the playing area (best designated by cones-NOT the walls of a gym). On the teacher's signal students walk and try to tag anyone and everyone in the area.
Curated OER
E.T. Tag
Students interact in a game of tag. When students are caught they must practice waiting skills to be "unfrozen".
Curated OER
Moving In Unison
Students practice moving in general space successfully (i.e., not bumping into each other and moving to empty space). Teachers may add many different locomotor movements, or increase participants for an extra challenge.
Curated OER
Shake It Up!
Students shake a bottle of water to a CD of "Twist and Shout". They shake the bottle high, low, right, left, two hands, one hand, under the leg, etc.
Curated OER
Little Sliders
Second graders travel though general space using correct form for the locomotor movements of walk, jog, jump, skip, hop, gallop, and slide.
Curated OER
See Me, Be Me
Young scholars play follow-the-leader to music. When the music stops, the teacher is in a frozen shape. Then on cue, students follow the teacher in an activity.
Curated OER
Frizbee Pop
Learners practice the "pop" action of popping a wet towel to throw a frisbee.
Curated OER
Parachute-Turtle Game
Students gain an understanding of why a turtle goes inside its shell. The activity also allows students to practice responding to a command.Teacher says "the turtle is in the woods and sees a bear." students say "hide in the shell," t
Curated OER
Humpty Dumpty
Students practice submerging their faces and heads in the water and blow bubbles when learning to swim. They practice this to the song of Humpty Dumpty.