University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Fairy Horn by Spenser Theyre Smith
This is an online photocopy of the original of the children's book The Fairy Horn by Spenser Theyre-Smith, a picture book fairy tale.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Froggy Would a Wooing Go by Raphael Tuck & Sons
This is an online photocopy of the original of the children's book Froggy Would a-Wooing Go by Raphael Tuck & Sons, a picture book poem.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: How Jessie Was Lost by Edmund Evans
This is an online photocopy of the original of the children's book How Jessie Was Lost by Edmund Evans, a picture book poem.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Play Hours by Frederick Warne & Co.
This is an online photocopy of the original of the children's book Play Hours by Frederick Warne & Co., a picture book of children's poems.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Princess Belle Etoile by Walter Crane
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Princess Belle-Etoile by Walter Crane (c1875), a picture book storybook.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Chatterbox Album of Animals by Margaret Vandegrift
This is an online photocopy of the original of the children's book Chatterbox Album of Animals by Margaret Vandegrift, (1880?) a picture book of animals with short passages about each.
Read Works
Read Works: Fourth Grade: Two Lesson Unit: Theme
[Free Registration/Login Required] A two-instructional activity unit on theme where students use the books Indian Children's Favourite Stories by Ranjan Somaiah and Filipino Children's Favorite Stories by Joanne de Leon to examine...
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle by Oliver W. Holmes
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle by Oliver W. Holmes (1883), a children's picture book of the story of Bunker Hill.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Doings of the Alphabet by Mc Loughlin Bros.
This is an online photocopy of the original of the children's book The Doings of the Alphabet by McLoughlin Bros., an ABC picture book.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
This is an online photocopy of the original of the children's book Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, a picture book poem.
One More Story: William Steig: Pete's a Pizza
Listen and read along as Pete and his father have fun on a rainy day pretending to make Pete into a pizza in this children's picture book.
Rachna Gilmore: Teachers' Guides
Rachna Gilmore, a Canadian author of many children's books, has provided PDF teaching guides for her picture books, early readers, and children's novels. Each guide has themes of the story, discussion questions, and activities.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Our Mother Goose by S. N.
This is an online photocopy of the original of the children's book Our Mother Goose by S. N., a picture book of the ABC's and nursery rhymes with rebuses.
Read Works
Read Works: Genre 4th Grade Unit: Biography
[Free Registration/Login Required] A lesson in which students use the book A Picture Book of Anne Frank by David A. Adler to learn about the characteristics that define boigraphy. Lesson includes direct teaching, guided practice, and...
Read Works
Read Works: Genre Studies: Biography Kindergarten Unit: Important Person
[Free Registration/Login Required] Lesson uses A Picture Book of George Washington by David A. Adler to teach students what biography is and why the subjects of biographies are important people. Ideas for direct teaching, guided...
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: As Months Go by by Annie Matheson
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's picture book As Months Go By by Annie Matheson (1888). It illustrates the months of the year and provides a poem for each.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Babes of the Year by Edith M. Thomas
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's picture book Babes of the Year by Edith M. Thomas. It features color illustrations of little girls and a poem for each month of the year.
Princeton University
Cotsen Children's Library: Water Babies: Swimming in Picture Books
Learn about children's book illustration of swimming scenes in this on-line exhibit of relevant images from popular children's stories.
Princeton University
Cotsen Children's Library: Creepy Crawlies: Insects in Picture Books
Learn about how insects are used in children's books in this image gallery with descriptions of multiple examples from popular children's literature.
The Big Picture Book of Viruses
This site has a catalog of all known viruses, including a picture of each, structure, family, hosts, and more.
Scholastic: Activities: Dinosaur Picture Book
Learn who Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins was, and how his art contributed to our understanding of dinosaurs.
Read Write Think: Creative Writing Through Wordless Picture Books
Need help planning ways to creatively teach your students chronological order? Here's a great place to start. While the site is specifically geared toward the middle school student, it is a teaching idea which could easily be adapted for...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Teaching Art With Picture Books
Lesson where students learn about Eric Carle, create an online Project Poster about him, and create a collage using his style of illustrations. Students will discuss their art in small groups using vocabulary learned during the lesson.
Books in the Classroom
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: Barbara Cooney
This site contains a biography of Barbara Cooney, and a summary of each of her picture books. Pictures of each of her books are provided.
Other popular searches
- Wordless Picture Books
- Publishing Picture Books
- Appalachian Picture Books
- Read Aloud Picture Books
- Nonfiction Picture Books
- Reading With Picture Books
- Multicultural Picture Books
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- Picture Books and Culture
- Picture Books by Authors
- Children's Picture Books