Utah Education Network
Uen: Predict and Clarify With the Old Woman & Her Pig
This lesson engages students in reading comprehension strategies related to Margaret Read McDonald's book, The Old Woman & Her Pig. Students will participate in making predictions, clarifiying understanding, and retelling the story.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Graphic Organizers
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section teaches students to use graphic organizers.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Semantic Feature Analysis
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section on semantic features helps students recognize supporting details as they read.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Author's Purpose
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section focuses on identifying the author's purpose.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Probable Passage
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section provides help in using the "probable passage" technique to aid comprehension. In addition, links are available to...
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Selective Underlining
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section focuses on identifying main ideas and significant details by selectively underlining them in a text.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Chronological Order
The site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th-grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section focuses on identifying the chronological order.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Cause and Effect
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section helps students identify cause and effect in literature.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Guess What I'm Thinking?: Initial Sound Accuracy
A version of the "20 Questions" game. The instructor tells the class he is thinking of something that starts with, for example, /b/. The students have to come up with what the teacher is thinking of.
Best Evidence Encyclopedia: Upper Elementary Reading
For any reading teacher, take some time to examine these programs for helping students in grades 2-5 improve their reading skills. These programs listed are all scientifically evaluated by researchers from Johns Hopkins University. Find...
Best Evidence Encyclopedia: Middle and High School Reading
Looking for opportunities to improve your readers or to help your readers get ahead? BEE presents a number of programs that have been evaluated by their researchers to bring educators the best programs on the market. Learn about programs...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Helping Struggling Readers
This resource provides information about how to improve reading instruction, especially for those students who need remediation.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Helping Struggling Readers
This resource provides information about how to improve reading instruction, especially for those students who need remediation.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Holiday Relay: A Sounding Out Game
A small group game to practice word and sound recognition and accuracy. Given a sound or word, each student on team runs to pile of holiday shapes, finds the letter, or picture that begins with the sound, or brings back all the letters...
Free Reading
Free Reading: Beginning Sound Spin Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
Builds students' abilities to identify the sound of a letter and say if a word begins with that sound. The student spins a wheel and says what letter/sound it stops on. Then they find a picture that begins with that sound. This site...
Free Reading
Free Reading: Sound Toss Game; Letter Sound Accuracy
A letter sounds game that students will love! They toss a bean bag onto a poster board with pictures on it, and tell what the first letter and sound is of the picture that the bean bag lands on. This site includes a link to printable...
Free Reading
Free Reading: Egg Carton Game; Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
A small group game to build young scholars' abilities to identify letters and their sounds. A student shakes an egg carton, opens it to see where a chip landed, and says the letter and its sound.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Connect 4 Words: Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
A reading game based on "Connect 4" that will build student's abilities to say the name and sound of a letter and find a word beginning with that sound.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Tic Tac Toe; Letter Sound Accuracy Activity
A letter sound version of Tic Tac Toe that learners play with partners. Before they can take their turn, they must draw a letter and give three words that begin with that letter. Their partner must give them a thumbs up before they can...
Free Reading
Free Reading: "You're a Liar!" a Letter Sound Accuracy Game
A small group game using cards with letters of the alphabet on them. The object is to place cards face down in a pile in alphabetical order. Based on an old card game called "I doubt it." This site has a link to a Letter card site for...
Read Write Think: Gingerbread Phonics
Through a shared reading of the familiar text, "The Gingerbread Man," students can learn to sound out familiar words. You will find step-by-step instructions as well as supplemental materials.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Conversations in Literature
A research based workshop by Judith Langer on bringing the joy of reading literature to your class. An excellent professional development resource, with eight videos on demand. Topics include Responding as Readers, Objectifying the Text,...
Read Works
Read Works: Passages: Paired Text: "The Treasure Map"
[Free Registration/Login Required] This paired text focuses on the theme of Discovery; it includes two reading passages, "Jack's Lost Kite" and "The Treasure Map," comprehension questions for each passage, and a combined set of questions...
Free Reading
Free Reading: Mix, Mix, Match: A Sounding Out Accuracy Game.
A small group game to practice word and sound recognition and accuracy. Students receive a card with a word part on it. The instructor plays music and when the music stops, the students "mix" and put their cards with another student.
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