Teach Engineering: Slingshot to the Outer Planets
Students are introduced to the engineering challenges involved with interplanetary space travel. In particular, they learn about the gravity assist or "slingshot" maneuver often used by engineers to send spacecraft to the outer planets....
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Technology Education: Mission to Mars Web Quest
This WebQuest lets you explore Mars through the missions sent there over the years. You can evaluate what you think about the benefits of space exploration.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Liftoff Into Space
Young scholars learn about the history of space exploration and what is happening in the current space program.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: People and Space
Learn about the types of food that astronauts must eat while in space and how that food is prepared for space travel.
Pbs Learning Media: Space Travel
Students are asked to explain why the astronauts in the video are floating and what problems this phenomenon creates for people that travel in space.
Nasa Human Research Program: 21st Century Explorer
This NASA research program allows students to explore space topics using science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills. Find twelve themes to investigate through video, song, and animation. Also find links to other NASA projects.
Seeker: Week of 6 16 14: Fly Me to the Moon (For $150 Million)
Learn about the possibilities for civilian travel in outer space.
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Chronology of Lunar and Planetary Exploration
A detailed chronology of all Russian and American attempts at lunar and planetary exploration. Contains links to each individual spacecraft.
Aaas Science News: Week of 2 24 14: Europe to Launch Hunt for Exoplanets
Article reports on the European Space Agency's upcoming program to search for exoplanet in space.
Nasa: Orion: Nasa's New Spacecraft on the Journey to Mars
Learn all about the spacecraft Orion, which took its first flight to space in December 2014. A trip to Mars is planned next. Learn how its design compares to that of the Apollo, what new technology it has, and what has been done to...
Nasa Science Missions
A look at the many space missions from the past, present, and future. Each mission has a link to more information such as where it is at this point and where it is heading.
University of Arizona
Nasa: The History of Mars Exploration
Explore the time line from 1960 to the 2000s about Mars Missions. Choose from news, explorations, blogs, gallery, and missions to learn more about Mars exploration.
Nasa: Dare Mighty Things
Explore this interactive timeline to learn about fifty years of planetary exploration. Click on each box for more expanded details.
Nasa: Voyager Missions
This NASA site takes a look at the Voyager mission, now in its 25th year. Content includes a look at Voyager's mission, an overview of the spacecraft, the latest news, and much more.
Nasa: Exploration: Then and Now: Nasa and Jamestown Education Module
This small collection of lesson plans introduces students to exploration by comparing the settlement of Jamestown to space missions. Find background information and links to other lesson plans.
This site provides a free space simulation that lets you explore the universe in three dimensions. There is a forum for teachers and lesson plans that help enhance student use of the simulation. A program must be downloaded in order to...
Deep Impact
Enjoy reading and seeing video clips of NASA's "Deep Impact" project. "Deep Impact" was a project designed to examine comets with impact instruments.
Moscow University Astro Net: Man Enters Space
This site presents a brief overview and newspaper clip documenting the first manned space mission. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alexseyevich Gagarin became the first human in space on April 12, 1961.
Science Struck
Science Struck: The Concept of Negative Energy in Physics Simplified
An interesting and detailed discussion of negative energy, how its existence has been proven, and its possible future application in making interstellar space travel possible.
Johns Hopkins University
New Horizons Website
This site from the Solar System Exploration section of NASA provides an overview of the space mission to Pluto, Charon, and the fringes of our Solar System. It describes the Kuiper Belt, and the objects involved with it, provided links...
Teach Engineering: Destination Outer Space
Young scholars acquire a basic understanding of the science and engineering of space travel as well as a brief history of space exploration. They learn about the scientists and engineers who made space travel possible and briefly examine...
Orpheus Books
Q Files: Technology: Space Transport
The story of space exploration is told from the first successful rocket built in 1926 to space probes and the International Space Station.
Cosmos 4 kids
Cosmos4 kids.com: Exploration
Space can be explored in many different ways. Read about space exploration and click on the topics on the right margin to find out how man finds out about his universe.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Space Telescope Science Institute: Amazing Space
Amazing Space promotes the "science and majestic beauty of the universe for use in the classroom." Here you can find learning activities, lesson plans, teaching guides, and helpful tips for students eager to learn about space and space...